Oct 21, 2004 06:54
So, I had a little "run in" with some kids yesterday and I want the opinion of some of my former students on the situation. Okay, so here's the deal. I am subbing for my boss man, again, and I subbed Monday through today (Thursday). Well, late in the day Tuesday I got "reprimanded" because some girls from my fitness class were found in the cafeteria. God knows I had no clue they were gone. It's impossible to keep track of 42 kids on bikes and treadmills, etc. So, I apologized and took into consideration their suggestion of taking attendance twice. So, then, yesterday, during tennis class outside, mind you on Tuesday I told all of them that we would be outside to play tennis, some kids came out without a raquet. So I told them what I was supposed to, they need a raquet to get points or they would lose the points for the day. They can rent them from the PE secretary, so I sent them in to do that. Well, a few minutes go by and they still aren't back. So, I tell everyone in the class, that was there, to come and check in with me as they were leaving so I could retake attendance because some kids checked in and took off. So, that is what happened. Then, I go inside and talk to the PE secretary and she said that no one even came in for a raquet and told me to write them up for it. So I did all that. Then, during 7th period, athletic training class, I am sitting in my office talking with some girls and one of the kids comes up. He asks if I wrote him up as he is standing there with a pass from the dean's office. I said, Yup, sure did. He asked what for. What an idiot! He claimed he was there. I said yeah, thanks for playing, you checked in and took off and when I retook attendance you were gone. Take whatever punishment they give you. He asked if I was kidding him and got all loud with me and I just shook my head and said I wouldn't take it back. He was pissed and told all the kids in the athletic training room what happened and was talking shit about me, not that I care. After he left, I said to the girls in the office with me who witnessed that whole encounter that the kid thought he could ditch my tennis class and not get caught. One girl asked if it was 3rd period. I said yeah and she said she saw a few of them talking with her and some of her friends that period. HA! I have a witness. That is definitely one thing I likes about Mainland. At least there when a kid did something wrong and got caught, they were like "well shit, I got caught" and didn't try to argue it. Here they thing that because they are rich and Mommy and Daddy think that they do no wrong that they can talk their way out of it. No sir...thanks for playing! Take your punishment like a man...beeotch! Am I wrong?! I am nervous that I am going to have some rich Mom come in and yell at me. WHATEVER! ;)