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And now I will show you where I live. Fengyuan City, approximately 24 15′N, 120 43′E on Google Earth.
This is the image from Google Earth. As you can see, for some reason the picture is only clear for half of my city, and the other half is blurred. It’s very frusterating, because most of the interesting places are in the blurred half.
The yellow outline shows the big road that goes all the way around the city. Today I resolved to eventually walk (or more likely bike) around the whole circle.
The red in the bottom left is where my first host home was.
The orange pentagon outlines my school’s parimeter.
The green blob near the top indicates the area I think my second home was located.
The purple blob near the right indicates the area I think my current home is located.
The blue blog in the middle indicates the approximate location of the trainstation.
And the turquoise lines cover the downtown area where I go shopping.
This is my school.
The red building is where my classroom is, with the red dot indicating which side of the building it’s on.
The orange building is where I prefer to spend most of my time because it has the councilor’s office and the school store.
The yellow building is the library.
The green up near the top is where my classroom was last sememster, with the green dot indicating which part of the building my classroom in.
The blue building is where my music classes, nanhu classes and baking classes are held.
Two of my Chinese teachers hold their lessons with me in the black building.
The little purple bit on the left is the gate I use, and I park my bike behind the gym (white). Yes, those are tennis courts on top of the gym, but I’ve never seen them used. I was sad that it wasn’t a pool on the roof.
The turquoise circle on the right, across the street from the school, is where the nearest tea stand is located, and the pink circle near the bottom is the restaurant my teachers some times take me to for lunch.
The is my first host home. The pink outlines our mini neighborhood type area, and the red thing is the house. The orange+green circles show the nearest 7/11s and the turquoise circle represents the New Balance tea stand. :)