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梅心 Mei Xin. Please leave any
comments there.
Go look at the Mare’s Nest homepage. Now. Because I just rocked it. Lol… Yea… I finally figured out where the html was stored (which is sadly what has been holding me back (and I know I could’ve asked, but then I would’ve had no excuses, so hush)) and I made my dream come true. It’s simple, yet sexy, I think. Though it’s only good for another 3-4 months now because I took so long.
Kiki and Ry, do you think we should have a link to the photo gallery even though I’m the only one who actually uses it???
Now I just have to pimp my blog layout because I’m bored of this one. But this may take another long while, because wordpress layouts are big and complicated… And the even bigger problem is that I have no idea what I want it to look like. >_<;;; Any suggestions?