Aug 30, 2006 17:18
School- Overwhelming. I was treated like a celebrity... everyone wanted to meet me. I was literally cornered at times. I stuck out like crazy cause I'm tall, I'm white, and I don't have my uniform yet. Also, I had to introduce myself in front of the entire school. Scary as hell.
Shopping- Sweet heavens!! Taichung City is the coolest place on the planet. I went shopping again today, and I brought my wallet this time. It's sooo awesome... There's so much... I bought three pairs of earrings for $130NT (about $4 USD). We did the photo booth thing again (I was with a different friend this time). And I got a dangley decoration thing for my cellphone- $150NT ($5 USD). And we had ice cream. Which, btw, is *not* hard to find here as I was told it would be. Neither is milk. Or anything really... I have coffee more often than I did in the U.S. And drinking water is everywhere. You can get a bottle of water for $25NT (about 75 cents USD).
7/11- I wish 7/11s at home were as they are here. Pretty much they're a way of life. There's one on almost every street, and they have everything your heart could possibly desire. Hundreds of beverages you've never even imagined existed. So many different kinds of instant noodles, it's overwhelming. Instant rice, instant everything. And, incredible snacks. Pockey and Koala's March are common. I can get them at the 7/11 down my street. It's amazing.