Nov 29, 2005 18:00
So, I went and told people that I have a LiveJournal. This is apparently equivalent to a request to be added to their journals and to admit them to mine. I wouldn't mind that so much if it didn't translate into an obligation on my part to now write in my lousy journal. Curses, foiled again! My worst fears are realized. However, I do have an Ace up my sleeve. I'm going to transfer entries from the private blog for a while. That should give people something to feast their curiosity on without requiring a large amount of effort on my part. Sweet...
Join me at the grand opening of my new religion!
So, I figure it's about time that I started my own religion. Because let's be honest: I've shopped around, and they are all currently lacking in a variety of ways. Most of their flaws relate to a relatively simple and universal phenomenon that I have observed.
You see, initially, ALL the religions start out well. Someone, usually disenfranchished, comes along and says, "Hey. This sucks. This isn't the way things should be. God (or insert given higher spiritual power/force here) isn't this messed up. Which can only mean someone fucked up the plan. And it falls to me, having made this realization, to correct it, I guess." Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, the list goes on. Yet all of these pure, radical social movements that want nothing more than to improve the lot of the common person seem to inevitably wander. It's like, after a while, the religions just realize "Damn. God's will is hard. Well, fuck this shit. Let's just kill everyone else. That's close enough." And someone, usually disenfranchised, comes along and says... And the process repeats. And repeats. And we never get anywhere.
So, I've decided to found my own religion. Now, I know I'm not smart enough to anchor a new faith all by myself. That would be way too complicated, and I'm busy with law school. So, I've decided to centre it on someone else. Namely one Margaret Cho. Why her, you may ask? Well, as an Asian-American comic of both size and intelligence, she is possibly one of the most oppressed people ever. But through it all, she maintains her open-mindedness, her optimism, and her sense of humour. And I have never heard a celebrity speak as directly to the problems of Western culture as she does. At least not one as openly accepting of pretty much everyone (other than the KKK) as she is. Plus she's fucking hilarious. And likely she's not up for much of the killing, since she's busy on tour and stuff.
Please feel free to join me in this latest endeavour of mine. I could particularly use help on developing a name for my new religion. Margaretites. Choians. I'll keep you posted on our progress. That is all.