May 27, 2004 17:03
hmmm im kinda scared.. many peoples i didnt realize read my journals... i think i needa start posting shit privately! its alright tho! e r all family!
If You Read a couple enTrIes bAck i HAd that thinG BehiNd mY Ear ItS lIke lIke MArbaLy n crap Yea welL iT ShruNk a LIL but buT i Wnet to The doctOr Neway BkUs mOMMyS PArAnoId.. BUt GoOd tHInG SHE iS! TuRNs out iTs an InfectIon From ME yes ME Peircing mY And The inFectIon Spread to mY LimPhNOd. Yea thats nOt a TyPo its a real WoRd. SO i got These hUge hOrSe PiLLS. i Hate tHe doctOR. Then MOtHer Of COuRSe HAsta Say SOmethinG ABt Me SleepINg 24/7 Im LIke SleepINg BeauTy mINus The whOle lOOKin gOrgeOus PArt. And She wanTS tO see wAts WRong WIth ME OS THEy bRIng out the bloOD woRk. EvEr since i Was LiTtle i HATE anYtHinG ResemBLing a shOt rteallY. like Wen i was AbouT 7 i kicked n Screamed And ran away LiKe tHey hAdda Call BAkc up nUrSes To Hold me tHe fuck DoWn. n IM nOt gOnna lIe.. That SHit hURTSSS! BUt nOw im TrYin to Peel mY BAndaD off and The adhesive iS lIke all Stuck to mY hIArs.. i tHink This is The worSe tHen The shot ItSleF> buT WOW mY mOm tOLd me not tO lOK whiLe They Were givin Me tHe shot n i DID ANd i FelT Dizzy Yall.. JuSt Like mY Arm was SOOO lImP. WoW....
I really should b studying for exams... : / dyer tomorro... just needa b safe aerite im goin peaceeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
**need new lj name... : / REALLY bad ne suggestions?