Alot on my mind....this is just a taste

May 17, 2006 13:16

So I graduated from CMU on May 6th! YAY for me! Is it weird that I would love to go back to school now and learn about graphic design? This is something that I have been sort of battleing with in my head for a few days now. I really just want to get a job but more than anything i would love a 9-5 mon-fri kinda job. I dont want the retail schedual for the rest of my life. I think that now would be the best time to do that while I dont have to pay rent or anything. So I dont know. I'm thinking about it. It would only take about 3 semesters and I could get one taken care of over the summer. I really want to do this but I dont know if I could with a 40-50 hr a week job. So I guess it all depends on Old Navy's response. We'll see.
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