FSAE makes me laugh so damn much

Apr 19, 2007 23:32

Today I was tabling for E-Week with Paul and this other guy named Todd, and Kunal was hanging around for a while... So it was freezing and we were all wearing layers and jackets, except Paul who was just wearing a T-shirt.

Me: Paul, aren't you cold?
Paul: No. Actually I could probably lose more clothes.
Todd: Please... don't.

Paul: Hey Kunal, take French with me next semester. It'll be cool, we'll be French buddies!
Me and Todd: [look at Paul]
Paul: ...in a completely masculine way.

Paul: How come you can't come out on Friday? (to work on bodywork)
Kunal: I've got too much stuff going on...
Paul: Is it a lady? It's a lady! You can tell, there's a sparkle in his eye.

All right. Maybe it's just Paul who's hilarious. Whatever.


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