Life on fast forward

Aug 24, 2020 05:02

Or so it seems, given that we're embarking on my 4th week in Ireland. Doesn't that feel totally surreal?

Between work and house hunting, I haven't had the time nor energy to think of much. So the weekend has been a really welcome respite from the constant deluge of activity. I even had time to visit Fota Wildlife Park, which turned out to be much more enjoyable than I expected it to be. I did not expect to be THIS close to cheetahs, tigers and lions…and the giraffes exhibit, in particular, made me feel like I was in the savannah. It was a perfect stress buster and made for a lovely end to the weekend.

It has not been easy settling into a new country, especially in the midst of a pandemic like no other. Yet, I have consistently experienced a fullness in my heart since I arrived - in part, due to the kindness that others have shown me.

Being kind does not come naturally to me. As such, having the lovely folks around me bestow me with little acts of kindness make me take more notice, and serves as an important lesson in showing more kindness to the people around me.

As we embark on another week, I pray that I will continue to be immersed in gratitude by all that I have been blessed with. And as usual, Morgan Harper Nichols has summed it all.

"You’re driven and excited about what’s to come. You can see hope on the horizon. You know there will be obstacles, and you know there’s a lot of work to do, but you can see where the Light gets through. You are starting to notice how the path beneath your feet connects to future things. Hold on to this. Hold on to this when you start to have doubts. Continue to pay attention to your surroundings. Delight in the way the sun is shining. Listen closely to the sound of the birds on the other side of your window. If it brings a smile to your face or joy to your heart, then let yourself savor that for a moment. You don’t have to have an explanation for it. You don’t have to downplay it just because it’s small."
- Morgan Harper Nichols
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