Dec 25, 2006 23:14
Since last night watched:
The Girl Next Door // Really wanted to like it. Elisha is like omg so hawt. Didn't finish
Some Richard Pryor double DVD // many lolings. Oh those crazy whites/blacks.
Little Miss Sunshine // Laughed til cried several times
The Office season 1 // It seems to me nowadays anything less than dry humour is not acceptable. Love it.
Mother, Jugs & Speed // Raquel Welch + Harvey Keitel + Bill Cosby = WTF? Good shit.
High Noon // THE shit.
Silverado // Also teh shit.
Foreigner Live Access (OoOoOohh!!) // 2002-2003 North America Tour. As said in liners, only one camera was used for entire shoot. That means, per song, concert footage from 10's of different dates accompanied by recording of an extremely doctored version of song.
lead singer = fat and hairy. Possible stand in for some unknown Star Trekian race.
bassist = wow cool moves bro. Cut hair, butthead. Your checkered open buttoned shirt with frayed sleeves was also super cool, bro.
keyboardist = take off glasses fag and ur Korg sounds like shit.
guitarist 1 = bleached blonde hair, almost bald, too fat for clothes, is that cross on your chest a stiching on your shirt or a shitty glittery version of Tony Iommi's Christian cross? Butthead. Had like 4 4x12' speaker stacks. Opted playing shitty keyboard solos during Cold as Ice
guitarist 2 : One Mic'ed Marshall half stack. Stood alone next to drummer. wtf?
drummer: is that an 18' Bass drum? How the hell? You pussy. "Hi, I'm the drummer of Foreigner and use a child's bass drum. I also use a plexiglass divider because we're like orchestral and stuff, bro."
Also included: 'Hilarious' and 'Insightful' footage of the band offstage.
ex. 1 -- In obvious clipart font: 3:30 AM Hotel Check-in Spokane Washington
1. Old farts walk into hotel.
2. Old farts get to front desk
3. Inaudible dialogue between band members and clerk
4. Some sort of confusion between band and clerk
5. Andrew goes "What the hell is the point of this (laughing on the inside)
6. cut into "Hot Blooded"
ex. 2 -- Later in Hotel Room, Drummer tells hilarious story
1. Everyone is sitting in a circle in hotel room or something
2. Drummer was at lunch and realizes that he's late for band rehersal, oh shit!
3. Runs to hotel room to get gear
4. Sees guitarist of band, apologized profusely
5. Guitarist: lol we dont have rehersal for another 45 minutes
cut into "Urgent"
I turned off at this point.
Will try again next time when freebasing cocaine.