Sep 18, 2005 19:12
Why is it that girls decide to jerk me around? All girls are fucking evil, I swear. But other than girl problems my life really blows. I just found out that the maximum charge I can get if convicted is 15 years in prison...I can't go to fucking prison. I will kill myself before I go to prison. On top of that I've got no where to live and I've been hopping from place to place and people are getting tired of taking me in, but I've got no where to go. And the worst part is that when I try to get an apartment they pull my record and they see this bullshit and they're like, "Oh, you can't get an apartment, you have a criminal record." So I don't know what to fucking do. I wish I had the balls to off myself. But when it comes down to it I can't step over that ledge, make the slice, pull the trigger. Story of my fucking life