Feb 10, 2007 07:07
Birth Control.- The most obvious reason for spaying or neutering your dog is also the most important. For example, one female dog and her offspring can produce thousands of dogs in less than five years. The result of this population explosion? Every year, millions of unwanted dogs are euthanized in shelters because they have no homes.
Cleanliness and Convenience.- Spaying your female dog will eliminate her estrus cycles, which occur every six to nine months, and the messy spotting that accompanies them. Although protective "undergarments" are available, not every dog will tolerate wearing them and you'll be the one changing them when they're soiled. In addition, if your female is spayed, you won't have to restrict her activities when she's in heat or worry about pesky male suitors hanging around your house.
Attitude Adjustment.- If your dog is intact (not spayed or neutered), you may have trouble keeping it focused on you when canine members of the opposite sex are nearby. This problem is usually worse with males because they're willing and able to breed at any time. And thanks to that keen canine sense of smell, males can easily track the whereabouts of every female in heat in the neighborhood. Spaying or neutering can also help curb aggression between dogs of the same sex. Sexual competition isn't the only cause of dogfights, but it's a major one, especially with males. In general, spayed and neutered dogs tend to get along better with other dogs, regardless of gender.
Prevent Hormonally Related Diseases.- Spaying and neutering can eliminate or reduce a few hormonally related diseases and disorders that afflict intact male and female dogs. Neutering decreases the incidence of non-cancerous diseases of the prostate, such as prostatitis, prostatic abscesses and prostatic hypertrophy (enlargement), and will eliminate the possibility of testicular cancer. Spaying reduces the risk of mammary cancer if the surgery is performed before the first heat cycle. Spaying also eliminates uterine problems, such as pyometra (infection of the uterus) and false pregnancy (a hormonal disorder that causes the body to respond as if it were pregnant).
Reduce Roaming Risks.- Intact dogs can be persistent in their efforts to escape the safety of the house or yard in pursuit of amorous adventures sometimes with disastrous results. Spayed and neutered dogs are more content to stay at home and therefore are less likely to be hit by a car, shot at by an angry property owner or poisoned. They also avoid encounters other dogs and the hazards that accompany them: dogfights, contagious diseases and parasites.>I hope this information has been of any good.
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