Title:Impossible Renegade - Uragirimono Dekimasen
Author: wane_of_undoing and cookie_duck90
Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst, AU, Suspense, Thriller,
Rating: R - NC-17
Warnings: Gore, Language (cursing, but not every other sentence sort), Blood, Sex, Torture, Heavy Violence
Bands: Penicillin, Alice Nine, the GazettE
Pairing: Hakuei / Tora (main), Tora / Hakuei (main), Ruki / Reita (side), Saga / Tora, Shou / Tora, Shou / Hakuei
Chapter: 3/? (in progress)
Disclaimer: Don’t own them or anything affiliated with them..
Summary: Years after the collapse of the world’s infrastructure, one power and one defiant remain in a devastated Japan, dueling for territory and resources. The Haken no Honshu, formerly organized yakuza, rule with an iron fist while the Hankougi, a coalition of resistance groups, survives on the fringes of the newly formed barbaric society. When Tora, the deadly Hankougi assassin, is captured in a failed infiltration of a Honshu camp, the only friend he seems to have left is the Honshu physician, Dr. Hakuei. Through weeks of abuse and torment, Hakuei keeps Tora alive, forming a bond between them that surpasses the boundaries of factions, something deeper than friendship. With their separate causes at their backs, emotion and human connection in this harsh world calling from ahead, Tora and Hakuei face far more than the odds to survive, let alone preserving their relationship.
A/N:A roleplay between Cookie and wane_of_undoing! Please enjoy~ Comments are most awesomely loved, and the best comments may, or may not deserve an illustration ;3 Also, apologies for any typos/crazy grammar issues.
“Should be good...”
The doctor said, sliding off his gloves and used a sanitary hand wipe to clean them of the powdery residue left behind. He’d finished patching the other just moments before, though much of what he did was in vain. The poor soul would be in a world of hurt sooner than most of these wounds would heal properly.
Taking a moment to assess the ‘patient’ a little better, with his doctorly duties out of the way, he noted a few things. He liked the way Tora was so self-assured, cocky even, despite his situation. He was a good little soldier, believing in his cause and so willing, eager maybe, to die for it. He respected that, in some fucked up way. Years ago, he'd been the same, but time taught him that it was easier and better for one's health to join the winning side and keep your mouth shut.
“Ahh, you see, we have a plan for you, dear,” Hakuei said, almost tauntingly, as he fished through his medical cart for something edible. He almost always carried around snacks, a fiend for candies and goodies since he was a boy, and they came in handy when the drunken need for junk food struck. “What precisely that plan is, well, you'll just have to find out, won'tcha? Eat this.”
Hakuei had opened a small package of cookies and dangled one over Tora's mouth, watching for the hunger he knew would grow in the others eyes. He'd been knocked out at the based for at least twelve hours, and who knows when he'd eaten before then. He had to be hungry by now.
“Open up, Tora...I know you want it. Yummy little cream-filled thing...”
Dropping the cookie into the rebel's mouth, Hakuei couldn't help but laugh to himself about his own comment. He hadn't meant to make it sexual, but in the end it worked out that way. One by one, he fed the cookies to Tora before giving him the first dose of his meds with water, deciding that he really needed to stop drinking before nightfall.
Tora knew the man was going to refuse his request to be killed now, and in the rather flippant way he’d been expecting. Some shit about a plan or whatever. Great, the doc had popped a bag of sickeningly sweet smelling desserts… what the hell… did the physician collect retro-snacks or something? Not a minute later, a sweetmeat was over his lips and the gunner had a thought to spit at it… rudely. Wait, how did the Doctor know his name?! Alarm bells rung in the assassin’s head before logic and reason took over again. His assassin and Hangouki name wasn’t exactly secret since any reputation had to have a name to attach to it. Well, they didn’t know his real name and it’d be harder to match up in the databases since his parents had managed to avoid the mandatory blood tests, finger-printings, and DNA samplings when they had him in secret. Too bad, they’d paid for it later on with their lives, which is why Tora was where he as now. The leader of the Hankougi had taken him in like a second son.
The ebony obeyed the doctor’s command, consuming said cookie with a blank look in his eyes. He really preferred something far better sustaining than this junk, especially with all this sugar he could quite literally imagine going into the dessert’s cream middle… but who was he to complain. He let his eyelids slide close to catch a bit of rest and the embarrassment of being hand-fed, by a member of the enemy nonetheless. The reek of drink was strong still. His captors could just not feed him at all and take away food, a most basic of needs, so he counted himself lucky. Twelve hours was somewhat lengthy duration of time, but he wouldn’t complain. Hunger shown could always be used as a weakness and temptation tool for interrogators. He could school his face into an expression with completely no affect: poker-face some might call it. And his was exceptionally inexpressive.
A calm voice called from the doorway as Hakuei gave Tora another mouthful of water. Tensing, Hakuei did a quick breath-check against his hand before turning around to face the Oyabun.
“Oyabun-sama...How can I be of service?” The doctor asked, suddenly quite formal and toned down. He watched hesitantly as the small man, just barely taller than Kyo, with whom he shared a strikingly similar appearance. His eyes, however, were a startling grey-blue, sharp and cool like a rainy day in late autumn. Most thought they were contacts, but they were actually silicone implants, something of a fashion statement as well as an improvement to his vision. He said it made him that much sexier and that much deadlier. No one argued with him on that.
“Kyo has told me of your intentions to fix up our little rebel...” The Oyabun said, slowly making his way over to the table where Tora was laid out. Hakuei spoke up, hoping he wasn't out of turn. For some reason, the younger, slimmer, far more fashionable cousin of the deadly Kyo was terrifying to the doctor. It was either the eyes that freaked him out or the fact that the number of men he'd killed with his bare-hands far exceeded anyone he'd ever known.
“Ah, yes, well...I thought it best if we had him in top form before we...I mean, Kyo, interrogates our guest. A bit of insurance that he won't die without your say, Oyabun-sama.” Hakuei did his best not to fidget or sway drunkenly; he knew it showed when he saw the glint in the shorter man's eyes accompanied by a smirk.
A new voice was added to the environment the Hankougi assassin was in and his gold eyes opened, wary for clues to this new voice’s form, stature… Tora tensed, like a clock’s spring stretched out still but still wound. There was definitely something threatening in the smooth, suave way the new voice sounded. He watched Hakuei check his breath - the gunner found said action rather comical for such a cliché interruption.
Oh? By the way the physician was in manner, action and the title “Oyabun” with the newcomer, Tora assumed this was probably the Honshu’s principal. Doctors in any organization or setting rarely bowed down to almost anyone; in spite of bureaucracy, they did save lives and still retained the wondrous knowledge that made people feel better. The Oyabun of Honshu... Tora prepared himself mentally for the possibility of a death now, here, regretting nothing as before each mission, every operative had the chance to express their farewells. They did live with their life as collateral in every step outside the walls of the Hankougi establishment. Near-silent footsteps came closer to the metal table he was laid out on and Tora made his outer appearance seem confident, calm, both relaxed and at ready all at once. To show fear or vulnerability of any sort in the sight of an adversary as daunting as the Oyabun was like handing yourself on a silver platter-the rebel had heard horror tales of the few witness of the Honshu’s leader’s atrocities. Kills with his bare hands that were so elegant, graceful almost to the point of terrifying in cold blood or with a vicious smirk.
Great, he needed this man’s permission to die, sooner he got to ask it, the better. The gunner cleared his throat, eyes finally settling upon the form of said Oyabun… He was short. So short that the gunner was sure he would stand at least two heads taller than the head of the Honshu. The doctor was fidgeting in discomfort in the corner of Tora’s sight, something the ebony-haired man tried not to curl his lips in slight amusement at.
Chuckling, the Honshu's leader circled the table, eying Tora up and down, evaluating him almost. “While I appreciate the concern, Hakuei-hakase, you needn't worry.” Petting the rebel's face, the Oyabun smiled down at him, his pale eyes brimming with malice.
“I'll be the one gathering information from this one.”
Nodding, Hakuei gulped, knowing he really should just keep his mouth shut and do as he was told, but feeling deep down that he had to speak up. He thought he'd buried his conscience years ago. Why the hell was it coming up to bother him now?
“Oyabun-sama, if I may...” He got the nod to continue, the pit in his stomach loosening slightly, “You are always so diligent and careful with our guests, but...In my professional opinion, Tora - uh, this guest...should still have a few days to heal up before he's further stressed. Infection is what I worry about, Oyabun-sama, not the pain he already knows is coming.”
The small man turned towards the back wall, considering the words of the doctor before nodding once. “If you think it so, I will abide by it. Please keep an eye on our...guest, hm?”
“Of course, Oyabun-sama.” Hakuei sighed, visibly relaxing when the small man started to leave. He tensed quickly when the yakuza turned back to him and smiled, almost cheerfully and spoke.
“Oh, and Hakuei-hakase? If you're going to drink on the job, don't let me smell it. I'll have to cut out your poor abused liver otherwise.”
Gulping, Hakuei nodded once, head cast down to the floor until the light footsteps faded away. Jesus Christ, for a tiny little thing, that man could put the fear of God in anyone.
Even with the limited visibility Tora had-mostly of the black ceiling and white medical lights-he could feel the Oyabun’s eyes picking him apart. Hakuei was blabbering something about the better the rebel’s health was, the more insurance they would have that Kyo wouldn’t kill him. Like hell the midget psycho killer could kill him that easily. Tora snorted inwardly. On even keeling, he doubted the miniature blonde had that great a chance. A cold gloved hand, leather, patted the Hankougi member’s cheek. He’d be oh….goddamn…
Hakuei provided the excuse of infection prevention… and Tora was even more surprised at the consent the Oyabun gave. The man left with a parting threat at the general practitioner’s liver and he chuckled at the poor man’s cowering.
“He scare you that bad, huh?” Tora licked his lips, somewhat on the dry side and glanced at Hakuei, no longer bothering to test the metal straps.
“Shut your trap, kid,” Hakuei said, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes, obviously stressed. Well, now at least he had a reason to finish the bottle waiting for him in his room. With one last heavy sigh, Hakuei prepped a needle for a quick vaccination. The Honshu were very good about keeping their members up-to-date with disease control. Virus and infection was a far deadlier killer than any man or weapon in this day and age.
Tapping the rebel's wrist, Hakuei searched for a vein. Tying off the arm with an elastic ribbon, he waited a moment while he filled the syringe, a half-dose, just in case the man's immune system couldn't handle it. One more week and he could take the second series to ensure he'd be set. Pluging the needle in, he finished the vaccination quickly, and patched him up with a little pink band-aid. Somehow, he'd gotten the crate meant for an orphanage in the last month's shipment. Princesses and spaceships were printed all over his small bandaging material.
In the back of his mind, the doctor was wondering why exactly he was doing all this for the assassin. He was the enemy, no doubt on his way to his doom within the next week, yet he was taking so much care to ensure he'd get better. He justified it all with the sentiment that he was a tough nut to crack and he'd be a few weeks longer than most to get what the Oyabun wanted from him. Yeah, a few weeks was a good enough reason...right?
Tora snorted, feeling exceptionally like he’d irritated a teacher pretty bad. Hakuei did call him “kid.” Watching the doctor ready a needle and vaccination syringe did not give him the creeps nor any sort of apprehension. He didn’t mind needles, especially as he had a number of piercings: one in his lip, three in his left ear, two in his right. The doctor approached him closer, fingers at the assassin’s wrist to locate the vein for inoculation and tying it off with a injection tourniquet. The familiar bite of the needle passed and the small puncture wound covered with what the man felt was an abnormally small band-aid.
Instead, the gunner’s eyes were on the physician’s solemn face that looked quite that he was thinking, and thinking hard-something he didn’t expect someone as tipsy as he was to do.
“...You better at least give him a run for his money. Otherwise, I'm doing a whole lot of work for nothing, sugar,” Hakuei said, looking back to the rebel with a cynical look. Yeah, that was good. Tell him not to die because he worked too hard. Good enough.
Tora’s eyes were immediately set on the other man in a glare. “The fuck that’s supposed to mean, pansy?” He never got a reply though, since Hakuei was called away to tend to other victims, most likely those of the Honshu no Haken.
“Hakuei-hakase! Come quick!” The grunt who'd left to talk to Kyo a while back shouted, running down the hallway towards the open door of the medical room, “It's Jun!”
“Fuck...” Hakuei hissed under his breath, snapping off his gloves quickly and pushing the cart against the wall quickly. Rushing towards the door, he flicked off the lights of the room and gave quick instructions to the other man at the door. “Lock him in. Someone will be by with food later. Don't forget the pills. I'll check back soon.”
With that, Hakuei was off, running down the hallway to tend to one of the many injured men upstairs, this one a dear friend of Kyo's. He would be up all night trying to keep him alive, no doubt. His bottle would be lonely all night.