Title:Impossible Renegade - Uragirimono Dekimasen
cookieduck90 Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst, AU, Suspense, Thriller,
Rating: R - NC-17
Warnings: Gore, Language (cursing, but not every other sentence sort), Blood, Sex, Torture, Heavy Violence
Bands: Penicillin, Alice Nine, the GazettE
Pairing: Hakuei / Tora (main), Tora / Hakuei (main), Ruki / Reita
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I honest to god squealed when I saw this story had updated XD This was a great chapter, a taste of things to come between Tora and Hakuei so to speak. I'm so excited for this pairing you have no idea :D Hopefully there's another chapter in the works ;) Thanks you for this my dear, good work! Send my regards to Cookie xoxo
I think it'll be interesting to see how the two muses actually will get along under better circumstances~
Hehehe - holds up Aleksiina's undies xD - shhh~!!
Tha pron be on da way xD
(already another chapter in the works ;3 )
So excited! *squeals*
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