Thank you
semo28! Now go talk to your mum!
1. Where did you take your default pic?
Some Skins forum. Fantastic show. Cassie rocks.
2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Trackies, mens shirt, dressing gown.
3. What is your current problem?
Deciding how far I'm going to take the whole 'Christianity' thing and how legit it is.
4. What makes you happy?
My friends, reading the newspaper (not the news bits though), Harry Potter.
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Whatever Chinese song is playing on my grandma's radio two rooms down.
6. Any celeb you would marry?
Hrm.... Robert Pattison probably.
7. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
Amira and Renee who go to my school and who are both cool.
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?:
Many times, I was in a choir and with my school bands.
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Ermm nope. I wish.
10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
Of course! All the time.
11. Do you speak any other languages?
Music and Cantonese (not really, I understand it)
12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?
13. Do you ever watch MTV?
I don't have cable.
14. What's something that really annoys you?
Hypocrites, people who can't empathise, fakers.
Chapter 1:
1. Middle name:
Wei Yee, it's Chinese and means wisdom and good character.
2. Nickname(s):
Fonge. EVERYONE at school calls me Fonge. That's my name. Including most of my teachers. Someone calls out Elizabeth and people are like - who?
3. Current location:
Bedroom, at my desk.
4. Eye color:
Chapter 2:
1. Do you live with your parents:
Unfortunately, yes.
2. Do you get along with your parents:
Ermm yes I suppose, to a degree. Mostly because I don't say much.
3. Are your parents married/separated/divorced:
4. Do you have any Siblings?:
Nup, only child. :(
Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice cream flavor:
Hrmm... Cookies and Cream.
2. Season:
I dunno... I'll say Autumn.
3. Shampoo/conditioner:
NONE I haven't shampooed or conditioned my hair for NINE WEEKS!!! WOOOOT.
Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower:
Very rarely.
2. Write on your hand:
Sometimes but it's bad for you so I try not to.
3. Call people back:
Yeah but I'm not really a phone person. No one calls me.
4. Believe in love:
Of course!
5. Sleep on a certain side of the bed:
There isn't much choice.
6. Have any bad habits:
Starting arguments with people who can't argue back. It gets ugly.
Chapter 5:
1. Broken a bone:
Nope, but I'm having my jaw bone broken in December. Yay.
2. Sprained stuff:
3. Had physical therapy?:
Never needed to.
4. Gotten stitches:
Yes, when I got my wisdom teeth out.
5. Taken painkillers:
Yeah, wisdom teeth.
6. Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling:
Nope but I plan to some day!
7. Been stung by a bee:
8. Thrown up at the dentist:
No, I've come close though.
9. Sworn in front of your parents:
I used to when I when through a phase, but now I don't ever.
10. Had detention:
Yeah, for getting -21 on an accounting test. No kidding.
11. Been sent to the principal's office:
All the time. I never pay my school fees on time. I generally just don't go.
12. Been called a hoe:
Err yes. HOE!
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last
1. Movie (s) you saw:
An hour ago - The Talented Mr. Ripley. It gave me the creeps. Don't watch it!!! I'm still recovering.
2. Person to text you?
Viet, telling me to go online, except I couldn't because I was at a concert.
3. Person to call you:
Oh I can't remember.
4. Person you hugged:
I'm trying to think... I can't remember.
5. Person you tackled:
I can't remember!
6. Person you touched:
Dad? Mum?
7. Thing you ate:
Fish fingers, wedges, tomato sauce.
8. Thing you drank:
Chocolate milk. It was chat.
9. Thing you said:
Eeerruuuuk! While watching The Talented Mr. Ripley (it's kinda gory in parts)
10. Friend(s) you consider as close as family:
Donna, fer shiz, Priscilla. There are a few others I would do anything for as I would a family, but I wouldn't... consider them family. I dunno.