Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Von
OOC Journal:
levonsong Under 18? No
Email/IM: / theotokage @ AIM
Characters Played at Singularity: None
Character Information ;
Name: Eridan Ampora
Name of Canon: Homestuck (MS Paint Adventure)
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: AU
MSPA Wiki for the original and
this forum post for the basic information of the AU
Canon Point: Right before starting SGRUB
Alternia is a nightmarish hellscape of a world you would expect from a horror movie. Its people live only during the night, as none but a rare few can stand the blistering Alternian sun and if the sun didn't keep them from living nocturnally, the zombified corpses of the dominant species, trolls, would. Alternia has two moons orbiting it; one green and one a purplish pink. There is an ancient Alternian legend of a man who lives on the green moon, but no one has ever been able to prove it despite the trolls having spread beyond their home planet. There are two major groups of life forms on Alternia, the trolls and the Lusus.
Trolls are a humanoid bipedal species: one head, two arms, two legs, two eyes, etc. Unlike humans they have grey skin, only have black hair naturally, candy corn colored horns with a shape unique to each troll, and an array of blood colors. Trolls must be much tougher than an average human just to survive on Alternia since they seem to believe in an almost militant Darwinian philosophy which involves killing the weak, crippled, and many others that their society would consider subpar.
The trolls are birthed by a vast mother grub as grubs themselves. They then go through a series of trials to see who are worthy just to grow up and pupate. They are then chosen by a Lusus who will raise them after they pupate and until they reach adulthood and leave the planet. A troll's position in society is decided by their blood color, troll blood running along the color spectrum with red being the lowest and purple being the highest. Those of purple blood are generally aquatic and are considered the aristocracy while those with bright red blood are considered mutants and sentenced to death once their blood color is discovered. This generally doesn't take long as trolls tend to advertise their blood color on the symbol that adorns their clothing and the text color they use in their apparently standard chat client, Trollian. Besides social rank there is one other connection between a troll's blood and how they act. Trolls of the lower colors are more likely to manifest psychic abilities while those higher on the spectrum are more resistant to psychic abilities. These powers range from the ability to manipulate the bodies of other trolls, telekinesis, talking to animals, and hearing the voices of the dead. Alternia is generally inhabited only by the trolls who aren't yet considered adults, the twelve trolls of the main plot line being only 6 solar sweeps which is comparable to a 13 year old human.
The Lusus, or Lusus Naturae, are the animals of Alternia and raise the young trolls till adulthood. They come in a wide variety, from monstrous crabs to bull like fairies, from eldritch abominations to large cats, from cow centaurs to dragons.
The list of odd creatures goes on and on. Besides blood color, as a Lusus will share its troll's blood color, it is unknown what makes a Lusus choose their troll. Oddly enough, a troll and Lusus will generally share some physical characteristics.
There are no seen cases of a troll having more than one Lusii or a single Lusus raising more than one Troll.
The most important Lusus on Alternia is the Mother Grub as it is the vehicle through which the troll species continues itself. It takes genetic samples from troll couples, which are delivered by a drone whose sole purpose is to carry around buckets to be filled with genetic samples from the couples. It then takes all the samples and mixes them into an incestuous slurry. The next generation is then born, getting traits at random from these samples. If the buckets are not filled when the drone makes its rounds then it kills the offending trolls.
It is important to note that trolls have two kinds of romance and that both kinds are divided into two subcategories, all four of these subcategories referred to as the quadrants. There are the two red romance quadrants, the type of romance ruled by affection, and two black romance quadrants, the type of affection ruled by hatred. In red romance you have a matesprit and a moirail. A matesprit is the classical lover as humans have while a moirail is more equitable to a best friend. In black romance you have a kismesis and an auspistice. A kismesis is just like a matesprit, only the defining emotion is hate instead of love. An auspistice is the most complicated quadrant as it involves three people. Now the person who is actually the auspistice is a person who keeps two trolls who hate each other from becoming kismesis if such a relationship already exists for the other two trolls involved. The drone only comes for genetic material from matesprites and kismesis. Despite the brutal nature of troll society and customs, they are a space-faring race. They have quite the infrastructure, to the point that a chat client used by young trolls can communicate across time. At some point before their 6th sweep, young trolls are also given drones and the materials to build a complex home or hive for themselves and their Lusii to live in.
They also appear to be a very intelligent race, two of the twelve trolls from canon showing the ability to build complex robots and make complex programs tied into the very lifespan of their universe without assistance. Yet oddly, their computers are organic as are their games; FLARP being a good example as it uses what appear to be bats to project holograms of monsters to fight. There are apparently examples of magic in their history, but most trolls think magic is fictional.
Another thing believed fiction is the aforementioned man on the green moon. Hidden on their moon is a being called Doc Scratch. He is a first guardian, a near omnisentient and omnipotent being born via time shenanigans to oversee the planet so that it fulfills its ultimate purpose. In this case, it is Alternia's ultimate purpose to give birth to 12 trolls who will play the game SGRUB and end their universe to make another as well as free his master. As such, he has been giving the trolls of Alternia small pushes in the right direction so as to cause what is necessary for all of this to happen.
No matter which universe he exists in, whether it is the canon universe or an alternate, there are things that are constant about Eridan Ampora. The first is in a want for control; the canon Eridan wanted to commit genocide upon all land dwelling trolls, while the brown blooded Eridan wanted to conquer Alternia and take control from the aquatic aristocracy. In preparation Eridan spent years studying Alternian generals, tactics, and strategies. Both Eridans also shared an interest in FLARP, both using it to amass the necessary resources and weaponry for their respective carnage filled ambitions. They both share poor romantic lives that involve their respective cerulean bloods. The brown blooded Eridan was attacked by his universe's Nepeta during a game of FLARP. The attack left him with out half of his horns, one arm and one leg. This has caused him to have a small phobia about red romance and over actively seek black romance, just like his canon counterpart. Perhaps the most obvious similarity however is that they both seem intent on complaining about their respective misfortunes.
That is where the similarities end. As stated before Eridan was attacked during a game of FLARP that lost him his limb, but also more than that. It also marked when much of his life changed. His moirail, Gamzee, a red blooded troll with an affinity for clowns, died. Although he got better, if you could call being an emotionless ghost as better. His friend Kanaya, a teal blooded troll, was also attacked and never left her tree hive afterward. The final change was his other friend Vriska moving away from everyone and quit playing FLARP. Eridan believes that Nepeta is to blame for all of it and this has caused him to fear the idea of losing more friends as well as fear getting closer to the ones he has in case they too will leave. Still though, he cannot help but want to keep his few friends left. He shows them moments of weakness and fear caused by his new condition, the one who sees this side of him is most commonly Kanaya which may be why he believed her that playing SGRUB could help return him to normal
The main reason for his self imposed isolation is fear. He lost his wand, his arm, and half of his vision. Eridan is worried that if he leaves his home that he will become just another troll that couldn't make it and die. He is also afraid that Nepeta will come back and finish him off, only half believing that her sparing him was some twisted form of affection and that she aims to end him. This coupled with the loss of his dream has made him on edge and prone to outbursts of anger toward those few friends he still has.
He also attempts to over compensate for his new found helplessness by trying to show off what little abilities he has left, these abilities mostly being in the form of his knowledge of strategies and tactics. This could also be due to his strong want for a kismesis, actively trying to establish such a connection with anyone who shows even a small dislike for him. His constant attempts to start a black relationship with near anyone has caused his friends to be wary of any sign of anger he shows them, all believing it to be flirting. The main target for such hatred is Karkat, the heir apparent of Alternia, due to his hatred of the aristocracy and Karkat's laid back and self confident attitude.
This distance caused by him and his friends alike, coupled with his new found fears has caused Eridan to fall into a depression. This mostly manifests itself as a near constant whining. To anyone who will listen, or brings up certain subjects like romance, Eridan will begin to complain. These complaints usually revolve around how much his life sucks and how miserable he is, generally touching upon the negative events in his past and failures at romance. One has to pity the moirail who is forced to listen to all of it.
Abilities and Weaknesses:
Eridan may have lost his wand arm, but he is not completely helpless. Like the canon Eridan, he spent years amassing the necessary resources as well as studying tactics, strategy, and warfare in general. If he got a prosthetic arm however, he would be able to use his magic once again. Canon examples show magic users being able to levitate, use magic like an energy weapon, and lift large objects from a distance. As started above he has lost his main way of defending himself as well as half of his vision. Also, due to having been focused on magic, he is physically quite weak and has no backup weapon.
One powerful magic wand
One ancient spell book
Several red and yellow scarfs
Several spare shirts and pants, none any different from the ones he is wearing
This is his character spriteEridan is an alien teen, appearing human at a glance. Upon further examination his grey skin, candy corn patterned horns, pointed teeth, and yellow eyes cause one to see the differences between his kind and humans. Unlike most trolls however, his mop of hair has a brown potion of it, all trolls having naturally black hair. His right eye is also scarred shut, leaving three slash shaped lines of scarred tissue. He has two broken horns, formerly shaped like lightning bolts but now the right is broken in half and the left horn only keeping the base. He has a shirt bearing his symbol and blood color, in this case being a brown version of the astrological symbol Aquarius. Around his neck is a red and yellow scarf, possibly hiding more scares. He also wears brown pants which are long enough to cover some of the top of his bright red shoes.
Age: 6 Solar Sweeps which equates about 13 years
OC/AU Justification ;
This version of Eridan is an AU of the one from the classic Homestuck plot. The normal Eridan is a purple blooded member of the aquatic aristocracy with a desire to kill all land dwellers out of a hatred for them while this Eridan is a brown blooded land dweller and wants to take control from the aquatic aristocracy. Also while the prime Eridan's interest in magic was just an interest until he got his wand after SGRUB, the brown blood Eridan got his wand before SGRUB. Although he lost his wand arm before he entered SGRUB so he too couldn't use magic until later on. On the physical side both Eridan have a section of their hair that is the same color as their blood, the difference being its position and color.
As for how these changes came to be, there are many reasons. The change in his blood color, along with those of all of his friends, was simply chance it seems. His difference in strife specibus, chosen weapon, however was a deliberate change by an outside force. The first guardian, Doc Scratch, interfered in his life as in the life of the other trolls. In this case, he replaced a rifle Eridan would have found with the wand that the young troll still uses. His desire for conquest is caused by mixed motives. Deep down he feels that he was meant to be a higher blood which causes him to feel cheated by his blood, but rather than mope he wanted to take over troll society and abolish the caste system. Imagine his rage when he learned that the Heir Apparent, the troll who would become emperor and who he would have to one day kill if he wanted the throne, wanted to do the same. As for his altered scarf and pants, that is another show of his dislike for his own blood. He pretends to be proud of it by showing it off. His pants are obviously a call out to his brown blood, while his scarf is alternating red and yellow; the blood colors that boarder his own. He likely thinks himself clever for this. Of course his Lusus is different than that of the purple Eridan. Whereas the purple blood had a flying seahorse this Eridan has a normal horse, or hoofbeast, as his Lusus.
Like the purple Eridan this one has only a formal moirail and no other confirmed quadrants. He used to be the moirail of a maroon blooded Gamzee Markara that is until Gamzee was killed and returned as a ghost. Eridan also has shown a romantic interest in both of his other FLARP companions; Vriska and Kanaya. This appears to be redromantic since if one mentions the Heir Apparent; Eridan quickly becomes irritated and eventually will twist the conversations so as to let out a tirade on the future ruler. He is deathly afraid of the cerulean blood troll Nepeta as she is the one who crippled him and harmed Kanaya. Eridan also believes that she killed Gamzee. He also has a little adoration of Terezi, due to finding out that she wished to bring Nepeta to justice for her crimes. Her crime being killing trolls and feeding their horns to her Lusus while using their blood as paint. He doesn't interact with many of the other trolls directly, mostly only knowing of them through his friends and crushes.
Samples ;
Log Sample:
Eridan stared at his computer screen, amazed at what Kanaya's messaged promised. It promised a way to finally leave Alternia, to get back what had been taken from him and the others, and best of all, it promised revenge against that troll who'd caused all this. At first he'd been weary, after all Kanaya lived in a tree, but as he read the history of how she made this game it showed true hope. The basis found by Aradia in some of the oldest ruins on Alternia, somehow connected to that other world Sollux saw, and finally coded by Feferi to actually work.
He felt something wet run from his left eye, a brown tear from the pure joy he was feeling at this moment. It was one of those miracles Gamzee loved to speak of before he was killed. His lips pulled back to reveal his sharp teeth, his remaining hand curling into a fist as he began to laugh. It would finally all be alright, things would finally be fixed. The young Troll jumped to his feet and rushed through his room, grabbing everything he felt he might need: a few pairs of shirt, pants, and shoes; his most powerful wand; and his spell book.
Sadly it wasn't to be. With all of his necessary possessions gathered he rushed back to his computer, about to message
Kanaya and tell her to take him from this horrible place. As he approached his computer he tripped and the floor of his hive rushed up to meet him. In reflex his eyes closed, but opened a moment later when he didn't feel the floor. Instead he felt himself free falling and saw nothing but the void. This was it, his pathetic life must have ended as he tripped and this is what happened to a troll when he died. Once more he was proven wrong as he felt his back hit the ground and saw an alien sky for but a moment until he blacked out.
Network Sample:
[The video feed suddenly begins. All that can be seen is darkness before either the wearable or its wearer moves away. It is shown that the wearer is a not human, and that the particular bit that had been covering the camera was its nose. Like all trolls his skin is grey, his eyes yellow, his hair black, and horns upon his head. Thanks to the vantage point though you can see both his horns have parts chipped off, a portion of his bangs were brown, one eye was scarred shit, and he was lacking an arm with only a short sleeve hanging from his shoulder.]
Who gives a troll with one arm a touch based interface?!
[He sighs and looks down into the camera tiredly.]
Hey, ya gettin' this Kanaya? Is this the game you told me about? SGRUB or somethin'? A junkyard as the startin' point is kind a cool, but dear gog that fall. Jegus I haven't been in that much pain since our last FLARP scession.
Well whatever. If you're gettin' this or someone else she got to play is, then can ya give me some help? There’s only so much I can do until I have an idea what is going on.