Apr 28, 2020 15:30

This afternoon is brought to you by parents who love to accuse you that you are lying about their child cheating, or being part of the process of cheating. Even if the best running program for that right now (which compares every child's paper I have, every paper ever submitted under any teacher in the length the programs been running, and thousands of websites) says, your child has verbatim no single original thought.

Just get out. I don't have the bandwidth for you.

I finally made my everything turn on today after yesterday was basically a day that equaled that gif of Buffy spinning in an office chair with a pen cup on her head. I could not make my brain work above the sulk-level for most of the entire day. Instead, I went by school while it was empty for my Yearly Review Binder. I bought lunch at the grocery store, along with a near 3 foot orchid & a new large rose gold and roses water bottle. I made a decadent batch of (barely any almond flour) brownies.

Today, I finally managed to make things work and got tons of things checked off my regular Tuesday 'work it' list. Except this afternoon is made of parents who think I like lying to them.

Thanks, no. This is the least fun part of my job. Please do, let's have a conference. You'll get to look at all those same screenshots I sent in your email, and we'll discuss the make-up assignments. But I will not back down, and you will not convince me your child suddenly became cliff notes or another student. I have 150+ other students not having this same problem with those same questions.

And, especially for my second parent, no.

I'm not given to being lenient if you're in my class for direct dual/college credit.
Yeah, I get the circumstances (A LOT), but 93% cheating is 93% cheating. [This entry was originally posted at https://wanderlustlover.dreamwidth.org/2355136.html. Comment on either at your leisure.]

job: ap teacher, work, job: english teacher, home: teeny house, food, home, home: plant goddess maybe, jobs, job: dual credit teacher

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