Aries: "I Am" (4th phase)

Apr 14, 2020 21:33

Current Sun Sign: Aries - Confidence & Leadership
Affirmation of the Month: I have faith in myself.
Questions of the Month: How can you show up with confidence? Where do you need to show leadership? When do you need to take action?

Aries The Fire Sign
Fire is the "Identity principle." Fire is the vital spark, the soul, the life-force; it embodies risk-taking, leadership, passion, confidence, action, motivation.

Aries The Cardinal Sign
Cardinal energy is initiative energy. This energy helps you begin new projects and endeavors. Aries season is an excellent time to start a new job or hobby. You may choose to break a bad habit and begin a healthy one. It's time to hit the refresh button.

Aries The Personal Sign
The first four signs (/astrological houses) are personal signs. These signs help us understand ourselves. Questions for The First House: How do you express yourself in a fiery way? Do you stand up for yourself? Do you take quick actions or make considered decisions? Do you have confidence? Do you trust yourself as a leader?


Current Moon Sign: Capricorn - Career & Goals

Moon Sign Focus:
Work on a big project. Add systems to your life. Dedicate yourself to goals.

Moon Phase: Third Quarter - release
Take stock of your life. Find room to let go.

Waning Moon Reflections

As we see out of the last moon phase in Aries, I'm very thoughtful about all the things that need releasing in my life. Habits that no longer suit me. Fears that had clung, and still do, each small new piece pulling back and away. The wisps of the shadows of people of my past that needed to have themselves quiet, softly, thankfully, and very finally, brushed away.

All the things listed under the activities. I've been letting my cleaning slide. I've insanely woken up suddenly to using my journal from out of nowhere. My mother bought the Calm app, and she's allowing me to share it, so I've been meditating the ten minutes before bed the last three nights. She's also gotten me trying a spreadsheet schedule where I pre-plan my week with what I know it basically needs, and then go updating updating as I go and things change (as dates, deadlines, and schedule pieces pop up suddenly).

I thought I had so much more to write. I have so many more thoughts, about leadership, confidence, action, but it's late, and I'm tired, and the third quarter really is about just letting things go and making space to begin again at the New Moon. I think I might just leave it there. Things said, things done, things spoken into the universe I want to let go of and have let go of me.

Another day, fresh-washed, waits for (you and) me in the morning.


Also, of amusement.

My Pearl, who crept down from her super-high cat tower, and sat on her scratching-lounge, without moving, without making a noise, watching my cauldron the whole eight-ten minutes I talked to the air, the papers with their word, both white and crisp, and then burned, one by one, about the six things I named and felt needed releasing from my current life.

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