Day 7: Blessing of the Tools Journal Prompts

Feb 03, 2016 07:10

Inspiring Imbolc - Day 6: Blessing of the Tools

1. Did you bless your spiritual tools? What tools did you bless?
I did this as the fourth part of my massive (all over inclusive to the class suggestions) Imbolc Ritual.

This one took place after I did a full house cleansing and blessing, and rather in the same form and fashion. Knowing what my intentions were going into it when I set my space for the night I included my whole house which I would be walking around about a dozen times before I was done.

For this one I walked to each altar (the current Imbolc one, the Manipura/Solar one, the main corner one, and Imbolc Seasonal) and each place I keep my tools (the amoir, the corner shelves, the big big book case, the oils shelves) and followed the instructions therein, going through each element with it's representative and then Goddess request.

2. Did you do the Winter Cleansing Bath? What was that like for you?
Alas, no. I was already in my shower post-weight lifting on Monday when I remembered about this one, but I am keeping it on the table as a potential thing I could do during this week, while we are still so close to the ebb of Imbolc.

3. Did you do the Self-Blessing? What was that like for you?
I did this as the fourth part of my massive (all over inclusive to the class suggestions) Imbolc Ritual.

I did this as the first thing of the night (following this one with the dedication/re-dedication), as I have felt the need to stand before something -- whether it was the universe, the goddess, the wild -- and find my center, again, especially in the wake of leaving RCG and still dealing on a daily basis with what it means to sever ties with something that has been in your life for 13 years, and how long it takes to feel like I have to leave an unhealthy (for you, personally) place.

I did this one with an amber oil, since it is my favorite, and I focused on just myself, loving me, praising me, being proud of who I am, being grateful for all my body, soul, heart does. As a cute aside, three or four hours after my ritual, and even writing an ARD document for work, when I went to bed I could still smell the amber oil on the back of my hands and it made me smile as I was curled in my bed headed for sleep.

[This entry was originally posted at Comment on either at your leisure.]

rcg, dedications: 2016 the year of the big wa, dedications: 2015 the solar chakra, religion, home: teeny house, dedications: seven years of sacred chakr, about me, chakras: 3 - the solar (manipura), dedications, holidays, holiday: imbolc, home, chakras, oils

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