Feb 01, 2016 16:01
- Sun, 17:50: I really have fallen in love with this iPhone app. I like that it's on my motif screen with… https://t.co/YH2c2Fo2P4
- Sun, 18:11: Working on Imbolc Incenses (while IP recipe #4 is staying warm for me to put it away later). https://t.co/cdNRrjvDHs
- Sun, 18:50: Day 3: Imbolc Herbal Lore Journal Prompts https://t.co/9fD0xkalna
- Sun, 18:54: Day 4: Fire in the Belly: The Imbolc Feast Journal Prompts [back dated] https://t.co/idV9QBZbe3
- Sun, 18:59: Day 5: Fire in the Head: Creativity at Imbolc Journal Prompts [Backdated] https://t.co/twGQaJE7iB
- Sun, 19:15: Konmari Weekly Check-Up https://t.co/eaXZWl1LH8
- Sun, 20:25: #LegendsOfTomorrow, this is not going well for you. All I want is for your show to end. Which doesn't bode well for watching more of it.
- Sun, 23:24: Media Consumption for January 25th to 31st https://t.co/LNU3VrNB0a
- Mon, 07:14: "Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby." - Langston Hughes
- Mon, 11:21: Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, misses you. https://t.co/h3TCRN5KAr
- Mon, 15:42: 5x5 sets where your heart jack rabbits by the second lift and barely slows in you minute & half break.