Konmari Weekly Check-Up

Jan 31, 2016 19:15

* Bras
* Bags/Purses (1 bag)
* Shoes (1 bag)
= 2.45 bags

* Everything
* Bathroom Towels/Washcloths
* Linens (blankets, pillows)
* Laundry Soap
* Fabric Softeners
* Starches & Pre-treaters
* Baskets
* Irons/Ironing Boards
* First Aide Products
* Vitamins/Supplments
* Pain Relievers
* Medications
* Hair Products/Pins/Appliances
* Brushes/Combs
* Bathroom Cleaners
* Trial/Sample Products
* Razors/Trimmers/Tweezers
* Lotions/Soap Bars/Moisturizers
* Toothbrushes/Paste/Floss/Mouthwash

1.2 bag donations
5 large object donations
1 bag trash
= 3+ bags

* Seasonal Boxes

1/2 bag trash
1/2 bag donations
= 1 bag

Total For the Week: 7+ Bags
Grand Total to Date: 18 bags

[This entry was originally posted at http://wanderlustlover.dreamwidth.org/2320834.html. Comment on either at your leisure.]

konmari, home, home: teeny house

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