Jan 18, 2016 18:09
Mon, 04:27 : Awake again. Ten hours of "nap" later, to a plethora of support/agreement comments/emails. You guys are amazing. *curls up with you all* Mon, 04:56 : 5 of 5 stars to Seven Continents by Mohan Bhasker https://t.co/WGgp6lgQhp Mon, 05:24 : Media Consumption for January 1st to January 16h https://t.co/ihogrD3L0g Mon, 06:05 : Realizing your last week focus was "Islanded, she found paradise." How very fitting of yesterday to happen on the last day of that. Mon, 06:05 : This weeks Glamourkin focus for my @ dragontreespa Dreambook https://t.co/lxxnCtudeb Mon, 08:53 : Another of La's Believe cards. It felt like an apropos day. https://t.co/7meY8BFU3C Mon, 09:41 : Infinite Possiblities Project - Day 18: Script Your Future https://t.co/GFnovSl58Q Mon, 09:44 : Infinite Possiblities Project - Day 18: Script Your Future https://t.co/vW41BWgW9i Mon, 10:02 : I've just completed day 7 of the 30 Day Plank Challenge - https://t.co/DzSgUwYxTX why don't you try it too - @ 30dayfitness Mon, 15:58 : I'm starting to figure out mixtures for my pre-shake stuff. Today was better. The two pre-workout scoops, but also, a scoop of my protein... Mon, 15:58 : tbs of matcha powder. Mon, 15:58 : Today's pre-shake was better. The two pre-workout scoops, but also, a scoop of my protein powder and two tbs of matcha powder. Mon, 16:52 : 48 HOURS ONLY. There's no waitlist to get your Glam Bag. Get in on it now: https://t.co/7zxdakN17v Mon, 16:55 : Good things are coming. Just keep believing. -- Today's daily inspiration email.