Jul 02, 2015 12:00
- Wed, 18:09: Is anyone else near me wanting to attend A Night on the Towns (http://t.co/FWtIqgdhkz) for @ johngreen's @ PaperTownsMovie with me?
- Wed, 18:17: @ CassJayTuck Oh. God. This YA video. Let me proclaim my love for you.
- Wed, 20:29: VICTORY! Perfect Seared Salmon, without any new burns! (and I only got one dot on my shirt in the whole process even for attempt #2)!
- Thu, 06:56: How very fitting. https://t.co/DX1rFk7eCb
- Thu, 06:59: RT @ tauruscopehere: #Taurus enjoys talking about the meaning of life, philosophy, art, and politics.
- Thu, 07:00: RT @ tauruscopehere: #Taurus's are beautiful, hard-working, and courageous.