Wed, 15:00: RT @ MeanwhileinCana: If you don't take care of our troops when they come home than you don't support our troops. You support war. #CdnPoli …
Wed, 15:02: RT @ LaurenDeStefano: Mental illness isn't a weakness. If you were walking across a landmine, you'd tread lightly to avoid getting your skel…
Wed, 19:32: I *loved* my paderno, but @ Inspiralized Inspiralizers jUst gave me HEART EYES. It's SO EASY to use. And clean. And EVERYTHING. #SOLDFOREVER
Wed, 20:14: RT @ LaurenDeStefano: If you want to write a book that's going to knock readers on the floor, you have to expect that writing it will knock …
Wed, 20:14: RT @ mtaurustweets: #Taurus are VERY much ruled by all of their senses. Sometimes, though, this can cause them to become overwhelmed.