Day II - 20 Facts About Me
1. I have weak nails. I love to grow them, and tap them on things, but they will always bend, tear and break long before I have any chance to grow them extraordinarily long.
2. I have two earring peircing holes on my lower ear lobe, and one tattoo, located on the high right, outer side of my right arm, that is "Ai" or love in Japanese. (Because it's half my plan to get more tattoos and continue to have them be the word love in different languages, same as my name means 'love.')
3. I believe in magic and in trusting the universe to show up and give you what you need most, whether hard or soft, just as much as I believe in the self-actualization of seeing/recognizing/acknowledge what you need for your growth and being brave enough to go for that.
4. My hair really needs a haircut at this point. I don't so much mind that it keeps getting longer and longer, but it does get annoying when the cat (or cats) prance around behind me and they are walking on it, while they rub up against my back and sides.
5. I love lists and keep them everywhere, especially on notepads on my computer, on post-its notes of rainbow colors at my desk, and in the reminder app of my iPhone. Without them I would forget so much stuff it's not even quantifiable.
6. I want to live somewhere it is negative 15 in the winter, and around 113 in the summer. So much that I experience seasonal crankiness/depressions in places where this isn't happening. I know it's not a very realistic to fill want, but it doesn't change it happening, or me loving those seasons as such.
7. I make every penny of my money work for me, whether I'm employed or not. You'll always find my bills paid and my savings somewhere moving, long before I even allow myself the meager maybe $10 I'm allowed to spend on myself in two or three weeks.
8. My family, friends and spiritual community are scattered far and wide across both the US and the world, which is why you'll end up hearing about trips I take to all of these places to se all of these people.
9. I can't draw to save my life. Or even be granted a million dollars. It's hilarious. And sad. But I've mostly come to terms with it now.
10. I love to spoil people, and surprises are my best friends. But I love to listen, and I love to find patterns to follow in surprise gifting, besides doing it all makes me really happy. I like filling people lives and mailbox with some brilliance when it's most needed.
11. I still haven't dated anyone, or stepped back into 'The Scene' since leaving my last ex-girlfriend and that tumultuous relationship two years ago (almost to the exact, which would be last month). But, you know, I'm working on both of those. As much working on interest as direction in them.
12. I write a lot. A lot. And it's true that maybe there is only one person who sees it that on a daily basis, whether that's in a game or it's in iMessage. But it's there, and I really only massively worry about how my internal barometer is doing when I stop being able to see where the massive daily/weekly outpouring of my words is.
13. I will off the top of my head when asked identify as Bisexual and Polyamorous, but it's actually a lot closer to say I'm Demi-Sexual/Pan-Sexual/Pan-Romantic than actually Bisexual. It's, also, a lot more unlikely I'll ever point out that I don't date, and won't re-date if there isn't a spark. I'm just unable to figure out dating if I'm not interested, and 90% of the time I'm not interested.
14. The flip side of the 10% though is that every single relationships in my life has been two years or longer (with only a one-girl friend caveat being below that). All of the people I've end up with pinged the interest scale so hard and so seriously that I ended up with them for a very long time. And I'm really actually okay with this system. I'd rather be with the serious-to-me people, than go through many who weren't.
15. If I need to for the sake of a piece of writing, fiction or not, gaming or not, I will open twenty tabs to research making sure I'm authentic for the sake of one sentence.
16. There are several hobbies that involve you using your hands and every time in my head, the only responses is, "But how would you write while doing this? Or, wait, do you mean I have to give up my writing to do that?"
17. It's not impossible for me to cry, but it is still really hard and extremely, snow in lower Texas, rare for it to happen anywhere near other people. I'm past the point where it's been years since I've cried finally, but it's still a rather low yearly number, because there are few things feel as useless, pointless, and personally messy as crying to me still.
But I continue to hold on to the fact the people I love, trust, believe in most continue to say one day it'll go back to being cathartic, too.
18. I still get minutely annoyed every time I post/cross-post because I'm using DW to crosspost to LJ still (because there isn't an LJ cross posts to DW automatically available last I knew), except my DW account has 15 icons (while my LJ Permanent account has 250+, which DW can't cover/match even if I deigned to spend more money there).
19. I have entirely lost the ability to figure out how to read my friend's lists on both LJ and DW, too, since I don't have a way to read it all as one. I do still read LJ friends entries on newsblur, but DW still escapes me and they don't offer an rss reader so I can't put them on my news blur fee. So....I'm sort of at an endless stalemate here, until something in the process changes, but I really love the catch-up I've gotten to do with the LJ people on my news blur now.
20. I'm having the craziest time making this list, because I always try to come up with all brand new things to say and tell people when I do these things. But hooray, I'm at the end, and mostly I'll say that I really miss my journal. A lot. A lot, a lot, a lot. I love my Twitter and Tumblr, but I have not loved either of them as much as I used to love, and have my safe space with, my journal.
1. Introduction and recent photo (
2. 20 facts about you
3. Your favorite quote
4. What are you afraid of?
5. 10 songs you love right now
6. Your 5 senses right now
7. Your pet hates
8. What's in your handbag?
9. What are your worst habits?
10. What's your best physical feature?
11. List 15 of your favorite things
12. What's inside your fridge?
13. What is your earliest memory?
14. If you won the lottery...
15. Timeline of your day
16. What's at the top of your bucket list?
17. What is your most proud moment?
18. The meaning behind your blog name
19. What do you collect?
20. A difficult time in your life
21. Your 10 favorite foods
22. The best thing to happen this year
23. Your dream job
24. Your favorite childhood book
25. Your 5 favorite blogs
26. An old photo of you
27. Post your favorite recipe
28. What are you looking forward to?
29. Where have you travelled?
30. What's in your makeup bag?
31. Why do you blog?
[This entry was originally posted at Comment on either at your leisure.]