Having an interesting sort of day, unexpectedly smoothing myself out of kinks in old gaming and, honestly, oddly enough, feeling incredibly, affably, hopeful about the future of getting to. Game. Especially in Milliways, again.
There are wonderfully, silly, intricate, and I think greatly livable, plans for how to handle three different expansively huge canons (in three very different canon-appropriate ways) that I feel are my go to, must be handled, most beloved (and/or most missed) ones currently.
Having plans for the last three things to really make my heart sings. Directions, numbers and plans. Which covers 5-6 7 of my characters in all the connecting lines for pieces that are already underway, about to be started, debuting in a short few hours.
Most of the icons are already in place. Most of the owes are followed up on/have been in the works for the last few weeks. Ninety percent canon rewatches done. Look for reveals tonight, starting with Nathan & Audrey, and in several upcoming weeks.
Fun or Bust, Baby.
[This entry was originally posted at
http://wanderlustlover.dreamwidth.org/2240715.html. Comment on either at your leisure.]