The Texas Folk Life Festival

Jun 08, 2013 10:26

Last night was the opening night for The Texas Folk Life Festival that happens every year, and thus I attend every year. It highlights all the cultures and ethnicities that came together to make Texas across all of time, thus far. The opening speeches were a little long, and some of them had better speeches written than people to give them (which always makes me a little sad). But I still had a really lovely time.

I watched the opening, though, and I bought a long red dress that was endlessly lovely (which I shucked my jeans for and enjoy wandering about in) while walking around the Culture Booths. Watched a few different parts of shows. Half of the Ballet Folklorico. Giggled that the Hawaiian Dancers played the Hawaii Five-0 theme as they walked in the parade.

The most fun part really to me is walking through the all the booths for all the different places and finding new type of food to try I haven't before. Last night I added Haggis (Irish), Rooh Afza (Hindi), and Scotch Egg (English) were all new. I, of course, ended up with a mini Baklava (Greek), but I ended up full too quickly and didn't end up trying to Dulce de Leche Turtle crepe that I'd spotted just walking in.

Haggis [sheep heart, lung, innards cooked in a sheep stomach] was pretty good (even though I only vaguely remember what it was while eating it, but my mother raised me well to try things before judging them).

Rooh Afza [red fruits and rose petals drink] was too something for me, but I could never lay my finger on it exactly. Too red, or too syrup, but not to sweet, but too.

Scotch Egg [boiled egg, surrounded in banger sausage and a small bit of dough, then fried] with spicy mustard was awesome.

(Non-related to the Festival, I, also, tried ox tail last week at a Jamaican/Carribbean restaurant with my mother, and it was lovely.)

Well, that's all for now. I'm off to more Broadway Reach events while they are all going on this weekend. My love to you all.

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city events, food

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