Fire Altar, Year Two
How shall I tell of my ending a month ago, how shall I tell you about how the second year simply slipped into there after the first, the way the hand of a friend lingers with no need to part. Or better yet, perhaps I will tell you I all but wept with joy at the goodbye to my Lady Fire, in the meditation during my Leadership Retreat in earliest April. When I ran to her arms, like a child, and felt the soft sorrow of parting when she pulled the red scarf free from my hair, my neck.
I do not feel the fear or resistance I had two years ago. It is such a fondness with which I took apart this wall and this altar. A readiness for new challenges. I leave my unfettered, gratitude to Stephanie, Sweeney, Rachel and Namaah who each will find their fingers prints on this wall, and my heart fire, still. To RCG, Temple of Twelve, and Glamourkin, which finds itself all over on my Altar.
Toward the bold, beauty of
new beginnings I wend…
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