I just heard that Patricia Monaghan passed, and this quiet heavy weight has settled on my heart.
There are so many of her books that have touched my heart and educated who I am, when I was both in wonderful places, surrounded by sisters and brothers, and in lands, where she was part of the only piece of magic to touch my days for months to over a year.
Her Goddess Path Companion I have owned and given out several copies of. Her Seasons of the Witch sit with what little of poetry and music has been published that I can collect so. I think it's time to light a candle, listen to some of that music and poetry today, and be grateful for the beauty of her light touching my life today.
As always stays with me at these times, the words of someone dear to me;
May you live a better life next time, may we all live better lives next time.
[This entry was originally posted at
http://wanderlustlover.dreamwidth.org/2202041.html. Comment on either at your leisure.]