ceitfianna asked, "What pieces of jewelry do you always wear and why? Also what jewelry changes daily for you?"
This answer for the last five-six years has been the very same down to two unchanging pieces of jewelry, which actually changed recently. About four, maybe five months ago, I put aside my moonstone ring of the last half decade of wearing non-stop, and it became a single item answer again. Which is my silver pentacle necklace that I always tell people about. But then as I was thinking about this, amid my fruit store run, I couldn't remember if I'd ep er take a picture and shown it for all my constant talking of it.
This is the pentacle I've been wearing for sixteen years, since I was thirteen, nearly every single d ay of my life. I don't take it off for work, sleep, showers, anything. Ask the people who are on the short-short list for seeing me without clothes. They'll tell you bemusedly, it does not come off me even then, unless I'm feeling greatly magnanimous.
It's sterling silver, Celtic knot work. The chain is an Italian crafted 'Singapore' chain, that makes small endless spirals with the tiny links. It's 16', which means the pendant part falls to just below the cleft of my breasts meeting, so really, even if you see me in person unless it's fiddled its way out of my shirt you still might only see the chain.
I'm not sure I could honestly give a 'why' to why I wear it every day now. It's like asking me 'Why do you breathe?' and 'Why do you think in music?' and 'Why would you rather speak in poetry?' It's so intrinsically a part of me now it is the thing I bring when I'm required to bring something the symbolizes me. That I've held through so many events in my life it transcends just being an important religious symbol or a key to where I've come from to get to who/where I am now, and is a long-time personal touch stone I get anxious of not having within hours of taking it off.
The second part of the question is more of a tossup really, and depends on where I'm going and what I'm doing, but it breaks down to the following two answers: Glamourkin’s (which go on a silver, 12' box chain [or ribbon necklaces of the same-ish length], so as not to bother my main necklace) or dangly earrings of every single type/occasion.
Right: Dominoes | Left: Hearts, Ovals, Circles, Glamourtini's | Bottom: Box chain
The Four Walls: Full & Usually folded away in back | The plate: The last two weeks’ worth
And, of course, there's the charm bracelet you all saw earlier. It's in its first twenty-four hours of existence, but it's been on me more than off now, too.
If you have a question, too ask me
here for DW and
here for LJ [This entry was originally posted at
http://wanderlustlover.dreamwidth.org/2192693.html. Comment on either at your leisure.]