Title: The Four Paths Not Taken Series
Series Link:
The Four Paths Not Taken Series Disclaimer: All of Once Upon a Time belongs to ABC Disney.
Warnings/Spoilers/Summary: There were four ways The Dark Curse was set up to be defeated, before the fifth which led to story which the show has given us. This is the short version telling of events that could have taken place on The Four Paths Not Taken.
The First Path: "This Was The Plan From The Beginning"
The First Path Summary: In the very first way, The Blue Fairy commissioned Geppetto to build a door in a magical tree that Prince Charming and the pregnant Snow White, carrying The Savior, would make it to the real world and save them all. This is that story.
The First Path Characters: Prince Charming, Snow White & Emma. Possible mentions of all other canon characters & relationships which have been seen, or taken place, up to the events of The War Council in "The Pilot."
The Beginning Year OneYear TwoYear Three Year Four (Early warnings for 502 errors happening on AO3 lately. I promise the fic is there.)
[This entry was originally posted at
http://wanderlustlover.dreamwidth.org/2185457.html. Comment on either at your leisure.]