The Sacredness of Purple, 2.0

Jan 22, 2012 20:09

[Cross-posted to sacred12novices]

There were some updates over the last month, so here's a last day of my Purple Altar update.

The Main View

The Left side

In the back corner is my chalice from winding_path, that I received right before The Star/The Tower path. Filled with the pieces from that Path. Rosemary and flowers. The small rainbow cloth doll of myself. All unchanged, unmoved since that day. Such a precious gift, and such a powerful day to remember. At its base is the heart from my Temple of Twelve swap from last spring. Then next to that is the tiny bottle of amethyst I use in spells. And my purple mirror.

On the far left, is a small purple tea light, above a bookmark reading Live with an open Heart.... And beside it, also, is a written on rune from the group. Two glamourkin's reading perform little wonders and wandering through shadows, her heart sparkles. The second especially, in important to my life right now. Next to those two is the purple oil from the miseryloveco. In the very front is more purple tea lights and a last glamourkin on that side reading cradle the universe in your hands.

New pieces: Inside Georgia's goblet is now my purple, Third Eye, chakra doll (since I finally pulled down all the Chakra things from the wall and the main altar). There is also in the middle Steph's Purple Swap wire-wrap goddess with seed beads and purple ribbon.

The Middle

Around the center is important is two different things. The first is the bracelet reading It Gets Better again, which hasn't moved, but it seems so much more relevant now. Now, as everything around me is proving that point. Around the base of the Pink crackle vase (kept this time because Pink is Purple's mate) is a purple spiral necklace from my favorite RCG seller, and a great inspiration to me. At the bottom between two different purple tea lights are two of my most favorite, most "me" Glamourkin’s.

she is loves familiar and she dreams and sings and loves deeply

New Pieces: Though it is hard to see, between the oil and right purple tea light, is the most beautiful bracelet that I receive in my Advent Calendar.

On the very back row, I'm covering the side most parts first. To the left is the purple craft I did last time I was in Purple Month, where I kept (and still keeps) each of my trinkets from the colors from before and after. On the far right back is the purple circle that stands for many things, all the turns of the moon, of gatherings of women, my classes and RCG. And your eyes do not deceive you -- between those two is a My Little Pony. This is story time, actually. This is Twilight Sparkle, who I was given long before I knew who Twilight Sparkle was, by Georgia, who loves to send me Twilight things, full of giggles from her (and sometimes Joan) and apologies from Meg. I was rummaging through my room, and landed on it, purple and silly sitting in my perfume shelf and giggled, blowing it off. A My Little Pony on my Altar. Friendship is Magic, my brain laughed, dismissively.

And as soon as those three words happened in a thought I turned back. Looking at this small plastic purple thing. Friendship. Is. Magic. The title of this show I've barely managed to watch but intend to one day. But those words. Friendship is magic. Friendship.

The friends, the friendships, that have meant the world to me in these last twelve months of my life. What it meant to have those three people in my life who showed up and existed as my bower through me making my decision to end my relationship, even when I was I so deep inside it I couldn't tell them a single word about my making the actual decisions or about my decision or about anything until the night after it was finally over.

Friendship is magic. The kind of magic that does not get as much focus always as it should. I would not be who I am right now without this magic. These choices, those hearts, those hands. I would not feel as safe and as showered and as loved and supported and able without them, without everything about five specific people have gifted my life with.
So there it sits. Georgia's sweet joke. The way I laughed when I opened the box. Georgia, herself. At the base of it sits two other very specific tokens, as well. Li's rose quartz heart, with a small amethyst chip at the top of it, that i was given as my "engagement necklace" during Thanksgiving weekend. Rachel's tiny glamourtini, red and pink and purple, reading kindness. These three beautiful women in my life, friendships that have meant much over this year or do very much at this second.

In the middle are four tarot cards, that have a dual nature. First they are the four cards for the two classes, and four cards I taught this year. The Tower, The Star, The Moon, and The Sun. These leaps of learning, these leaps of teaching, these strides of being. And then, I trace my fingers across the words at the top of each card and they read like a litany of who I have been since the moment The Tower gave me that choice in the class, and I knocked all the dominoes and chains away from myself: Shattering the Silence (The Tower), Guiding Light (The Star), Peace in the Darkness (The Moon), and The Radiance of Being (The Sun).
To the furthest right is another book mark reading Live in Faith. Then there are more tea lights, above the book mark, near the bind rune, and around the last glamourkin, which reads The Soul of the World is Love.

New Pieces: The tiny big-bellied budda, pencil topper sitting in the center of the little space made by the cards, the women-moon disk and the bookmark (which also came off the main altar with its big clear out).

tarot, rcg path 2011: tarot major arcana, twilight, religion, mail, friends, pictures, gaming, temple of twelve year two, oak grove tribe 2011: runes class, temple of twelve, temple of twelve: purple, little wonders, rcg, order of the hats, rcg path, glamourkin, temple of twelve: pink, milliways, temple of twelve: altars, oils, oak grove tribe

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