Jan 16, 2012 17:33
Вс, 19:23 : @ thisisyourfault Still out at dinner. 😥 Sorry. Вс, 20:04 : Am I sleepy? Do I want to watch a tv? Or tag England? Вс, 20:06 : Baking would take too long, it will move to tomorrow night. Вс, 20:11 : I am made of sleepy face, deargod. Вс, 20:17 : @ herdivineshadow Why is Marian so stuffy sometimes. I am sleepy headed, and she is all set in her ways. *head on arms* I need to ep her. Вс, 21:19 : I got invited to join a book club! *bounces up and down* With people from my gradschool program. I am so so so excited and pleased. Вс, 21:25 : #sherlock , please revisit your Molly Christmas Lesson. Вс, 21:48 : Oh, Molly. Bravi. You brave, beautiful girl. #sherlock Вс, 21:50 : #sherlock and #onceuponatime are talking about the same fairytale on their new episode tonight. O_o Вс, 21:51 : I would watch her again, in a heartbeat. Вс, 21:57 : *head tilts* Show. This point works. But not when it's only been doubtful in this ONE episode. Then it's convenient, and bad. #sherlock Вс, 22:22 : #sherlock , this is the kind of plot that would be best experienced across a season, not less than an hour. But kudos for trying. Вс, 22:27 : Well. I didn't see that coming. #sherlock #inthelast13minutes Вс, 22:33 : I have issues with the non-realism of the scene. #sherlock (And still the music and all the feels.) Вс, 22:38 : I wish that hadn't been predictable the entire time, #sherlock . Well, there's the end of another season. Вс, 22:56 : New LJ Post: Мои твиты http://t.co/joFAtHkp Вс, 23:12 : New LJ Post: Media Consumption from January 9th to January 15th http://t.co/GgOJykJA Вс, 23:12 : New LJ Post: My day has been made of win http://t.co/AQ1jP5fg Вс, 23:30 : I HAVE ALL THE FEELINGS #leverage Вс, 23:35 : New LJ Post: http://t.co/vesW8Vxp Пн, 06:37 : Envious of people who have a holiday today. Also, less than fifteen minutes to leave. But, but, but. Пн, 06:56 : My Earl is the very best. Пн, 09:25 : RT @ denofgeek : Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5 confirmed http://t.co/4BuvPZRD Пн, 09:29 : RT @ thisisyourfault : Tomorrow: more marathoning with all my girls! Such a ridiculously fun chat party w/ such a ridiculously awesome sho ... Пн, 09:30 : RT @ denofgeek : Sherlock series 3 definitely happening http://t.co/poIIIGxU Пн, 09:31 : RT @ JeanGreySchool : ANYWAY, classes are suspended today in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. All are encouraged to attend the special ... Пн, 09:31 : RT @ denofgeek : Sherlock series 3 already confirmed http://t.co/YUcVHz7r Пн, 09:33 : I love #tweetcasters recent update. Пн, 09:35 : RT @ io9 : Until 2009, the human clitoris was an absolute mystery http://t.co/0HCQlBzx Пн, 10:05 : Gave @ trelali hives. Literally. 😰 Пн, 10:48 : RT @ TotallyADD : Never drink & drive. And never watch The Home Shopping Network, unsupervised, if you have a valid credit card. Пн, 10:49 : Having Adventures in Adulthood Decisions today. Пн, 10:51 : My credit union offers amazing dental discounts. 1. Nearly half off all procedures. 2. I need a dental surgery again. Пн, 10:54 : 3. Doesn't off it at my dentist. 4. Does offer Earl's dentist. 5. One person $10/mnth, Family/$13. Пн, 11:11 : RT @ io9 : How much energy would the Death Star require to destroy Earth? http://t.co/5o9Bqyjs Пн, 11:11 : RT @ Zen_Moments : If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. ~ Thomas Edison Пн, 11:17 : Photo: midtowncomics: Oh, Speedy. (I mean, Jubilee. Wait. No, I don’t.) http://t.co/TdaxWmv2 Пн, 11:18 : Photo: Want. http://t.co/A2slWia2 Пн, 11:20 : Photo: geekystuff: Ooohh. Cookie fonts and words. http://t.co/oGfNVB0v Пн, 11:21 : Photoset: This how I feel about the whole of last night’s episode. The top box. Watching the bottom. And... http://t.co/i6QTMEMN Пн, 11:22 : Photo: the-iridescence: Humans. Yes please. http://t.co/bKmhPw0U Пн, 11:23 : Photo: Very much so. And also the reverse, don’t blow off bad life situations as just ‘bad days’ for you or... http://t.co/3YuzoT4J Пн, 11:24 : Photo: Epic feelings are epic. http://t.co/TEcQwDtA Пн, 11:25 : Photo: So pretty. http://t.co/QuzUYhWu Пн, 11:26 : Photo: Another TVD hiccup, I’m sure. http://t.co/m3y4zjk9 Пн, 11:26 : Photo: think-poiple: Oh, you two. http://t.co/TFro2iXn Пн, 11:27 : Photo: Oh oh oh. http://t.co/5UufKYLm Пн, 11:34 : Should I go to the Nerd Fighter Tour appearance near me this weekend? Пн, 11:39 : Five hours almost exactly until plans with @ gwenrie , @ thisisyourfault and @ dr_varadia . Пн, 13:29 : RT @ io9 : What mysterious genetic material ruled the world before DNA and RNA? http://t.co/pFE0nrSR Пн, 13:32 : RT @ io9 : 10 Scientific and Technological Visionaries Who Experimented With Drugs http://t.co/o1Y0Ccuc Пн, 13:40 : @ gwenrie @ dr_varadia @ thisisyourfault Three hours. ☺ Пн, 13:57 : Is having the best day. *beams* Пн, 14:28 : Report, The 1st: Brisbane Breakfast tea was really really lovely this morning, @ weaverandom . Пн, 15:02 : RT @ io9 : Are we reaching the end of the J.J. Abrams era of television? http://t.co/g8S5bUg6 Пн, 15:34 : @ dr_varadia n' @ gwenrie n' @ thisisyourfault Less than an hour! *bounces so subtly in work chair* Пн, 15:53 : Headed to my car! Headed to my car! @ thisisyourfault @ gwenrie @ dr_varadia All your fault its taking all my will not to run or squeal. Пн, 16:34 : RT @ io9 : Please, please be careful when mixing liquid nitrogen and plastic bottles http://t.co/b165bnhR Пн, 16:40 : I'm giddy and debating baking while doing this, as well now.