Мои твиты

Jan 15, 2012 04:42

  • Сб, 08:21: Why is it warm enough in my bedroom I must run my fan while sleeping, and then frigid in my livingroom. ....I blame the windows.
  • Сб, 08:24: New LJ Post: Checklist for the morning http://t.co/4E9rM96Q
  • Сб, 08:51: Eeee! "The parents" are talking! #nikita
  • Сб, 11:09: Okay, painting break for food. Though I will definitely keep the tagging and the musical documentary.
  • Сб, 11:20: Um, well right now it is all flat backs on the table, covered in paint. But in the end, like this -- [http://t.co/YiUoojzy]
  • Сб, 11:33: I am such a fan of The Story of Musicals. It's an amazing #documetary. So there 2012. We're gonna do this right.
  • Сб, 11:35: @ stephmuji How soon, in actual calendar dates, is Milliways looking at moving to DW?
  • Сб, 12:52: Four coats of paint later, I think we are good for stopping on the main set. The stand alone purple needs more coats. I need to buy pink.
  • Сб, 12:53: And then I remembered, maybe I should import my main journal icons over to DW, too. A day after half my characters. Sadly, none of the main.
  • Сб, 13:11: Count of journals that have inactive but import-needed icons: 7. Communities that still need backup: 4.
  • Сб, 13:20: Do I want to get dressed and go buy pink paint for the last two panes that are untouched while everything else is drying? #dedicatedtopurple
  • Сб, 13:29: What is the average number of tweets out there? What number is everyone else as on their counter right now?
  • Сб, 13:33: Okay, world. I am finding pants. Beware.
  • Сб, 13:36: I have found pants, shoes, perfume and even the slash of blue paint under my chin. (Is Fr SRS Artist, apparently, who knew.) Be right back.
  • Сб, 14:41: Oh, oh, oh, home. Pink & Purple's done. And the documentary is talking about Phantom, too. Oh, oh, oh. (And my first mirror is perfect!)
  • Сб, 14:44: And the one for Kat is perfect. Oh, so perfect. I never thought it would end up this perfect, but it is.
  • Сб, 15:23: *hums!* More painting! More framing! And Farscape with @ thisisyourfault next!
  • Сб, 16:25: Might have a new sci-fi space game! Eeeeeee! *tiny five year old squeal* We will see in February.
  • Сб, 16:36: @ gwenrie *BEAMS AT YOU LIKE BEAMY THING*
  • Сб, 16:48: #farscape is the best ever.


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