TAURUS: "Live out of your imagination, not your history," says Stephen Covey, author of *The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.* While that's always true, it will be especially crucial for you to remember in 2012. This is the year you can transcend stale traditions, Taurus -- a time when you can escape your outworn habits, reprogram your conditioned responses, and dissolve old karma. You will be getting unparalleled opportunities to render the past irrelevant. And the key to unlocking all the magic will be your freewheeling yet highly disciplined imagination. Call on it often to show you the way toward the future.
Uncle Rob. I feel like you and I are on the same wavelength, or that you are catching up on one I have been on, and aware I was on, since about early November. With the brand new, never before like this, choices. I'm quite ready for all of this, and quite ready to get my hands dirty in it, while making all of me, all my heart, a continually better place.