Went to bed around eleven, amid the flurry of gaming and packing, and woke up around four. Stuff the last of things into my suitcase and was whisked away by my lovely roommate, Earl (
emeryll) to be dropped off at the airport. Where Weaves (
weaverandom) kept me company through the checked baggage and security lines, before and as Twitter began to finally wake up. I talked to a handful of early morning risers.
The midmorning was bumpy. Figuratively and literally.
Before my first flight took off I learned that a friend in my close circle from college died in a car accident yesterday. (Thankfully his funeral is the day after I get home.) Once I landed in Houston I got the voicemail from my mother explaining why my Gramma wouldn't be in attendance at Christmas anymore. (Thankfully, not too serious a medical issue, too.) Houston was kind enough to have a bagel with cream cheese and lox before my boarding, too.
The four and half hour flight to Boston was made of turbulence and a few hours’ sleep. I landed in Boston, and while acquiring luggage, that took like twenty minutes alone, I got updated to the news my parents flight being bumped and then pushed back a day.
And, kindly, then the afternoon entered us into the glorious land of smooth sailing.
Boy Cousin (also known as Bob, and who is oldest of the grandkids) drove me all around Boston and Cambridge, and pointed out all sorts of things. We talked about endless sorts of things. I got to see his house and his adorable pug puppy. We drove into town and hit up a new, lovely sushi place near his work. Where we discovered our mutual favorite roll is a Rainbow Roll. We got it, and miso, and a silly Frog Prince roll from a whole special of Fairytale inspired ones.
We spent the whole afternoon talking. Everything and anything. Jobs and travel and where we've gone and what we've done. About the fiancé, and his family, and my family, and whole bunches about Korea. We made a stop of a computer store for me to replace my computer adapter.
Might have winced a little when I found out his upcoming wedding is scheduled for Dragon*Con Weekend (in Weavesmonth). My mother got in touch with us a few times, updating everyone, and in the midafternoon my Uncle called out of work. So the car turned and we drove from Boston to Manchester. When I found my Uncle and hugged him for nearly a minute. I may never grow tired of looking at these people. I can count the number of times I've seen them all in the space of my fingers.
We did his house for a short while. Walked up and down in the beautiful little, looks like a New Englander B n' B, place before settling in and letting Boy Cousin do his work. I got a glance at my Uncles memoir, which he published this year, and that everyone is getting a copy of at Christmas. Which he even promised to sign once I open it on Christmas morning. Then I was taken off, again, giddily to dinner at a place called T Bones for dinner.
Amazing, oh god I always miss New England food, dinner. Clam Chowder the only way it was ever meant to be made. A vegetarian main dish of melted gouda, tomato and basil slices together between berry bread. Sided by mac 'n cheese made with alfredo sauce that had large, fresh chunks of lobster in it. Have I mentioned I could live on the food made here? And I've known that since I was five?
After dinner I got dropped off at my hotel, to the really forested area, with the really empty hotel, and the really big hotel room. I still have the two bed room that I was supposed to be sharing with my grandmother. And five days of it to myself, apparently. With its huge tv, and microwave, and fridge, and four hour we stock everything breakfast. Oh, and free wireless, that I love them best for. I am almost tempted to locate a swim suit for their hot tub. And will definitely check out the gym.
Going to be tossing up the updates I have pictures of as I can in the next few days. Christmas and Yule gift pictures and thank you’s, and the newest Temple of Twelve Altar, while I make it through the twelve days of Tarot and rereading my entire last years’ worth of journal again. Fun downtime things, while the family will be dragging me everywhere during the days. Tomorrow are exciting things called 'Strawberry Bay' and maybe 'The Fun Spot' and an Olde Time Candy Store, before we'll collect my parents and have dinner with them.
So much to come. So many smiles. And possible snow by morning. I am brimming with joy and excitement. I wish you all the very best with what fun and holiday and family and time of the year you are celebrating in your heart of hearts.