Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you, They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back to me). Other people (including me) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.
(I'm even going to try and keep it succinct, at like two-three sentences as a challenge.)
vivien529's Five Words
I. Fluidity
I hear this one more often than not when people describe me, fluidity or, more often, fluid. I will sometimes agree, and sometimes not, and often rebuff with a commentary on seeing my Pisces Rising over my Taurus Sun.
So I'll leave you with two different options, that you can decided between -- perhaps it is that I really do choose to go at the world in a non-offensive state in all ways because it cuts through so much hassle in acceptance, observance, experience and spin to the best way or it is simply that I'm very lucky and I speak the language of this life, and this is why a lot of it I just breeze through like the doors were oiled, that it wasn't what I came to learn or tell this time -- or maybe both.
II. Surprises in the Mail
This one makes me automatically remember Earl's face last fall or just this past spring, when he looked at me, faintly furrowed brow and said, "You get a whole lot a packages," in this bemused tone. Because I am on my bed, at my laptop about 85% of my free time. I don't really ever expect them -- the packages -- but I cherish each one, and I lavish humble gratitude on each person who has sent me something. (And presently, I'm watching the pile under the tree grow by the day with surprise mail envelopes.)
III. Eating Well
I haven't done as well at this since my break up, but then when I say that it's less than I'm Eating Not-Well and more than I find it convenient in Forgetting Everything That Was Important In a Day to simply Not Eat. Except at work, in the patterns that haven't been working. But I've been working on it. Back to the normal, back to more what I think of when I first see those words.
No starch, no candy, no soda, no coffee, no bad habits, lots of healthy snacks within reach at all times, seeing the fruit market once a week. Eating well isn't really this effort I make. Eating badly, things wrapped in the bread napkin, the taste of coffee and soda, all turn my stomach, and it's been so long since I ate a whole candy bar in one day. It takes me three weeks to eat five pieces of Godiva chocolate and them, I do love.
IV. Falls Days in Boulder
Oh, this is so many things to me. This is the color of the leaves just before Korea, before I knew I'd graduate from my masters. This is the way Rachel laughs, the way she talks in the middle of the night, and the gentle, serene tilt of Jenn's head, the way Sarah smiles from her center and literally glows. Watching families intersect in every form and fashion.
It's talking about family and religion. It was getting a burst of real life unexpected Milliways, talking about Edward and Tom and drinking chai and posing for pictures. It was dreams come true, and confusing first steps, and it's an incredibly precious memory of mine.
V. The Elements
I wrote a whole paragraph, about correspondences and a retail tic, to rewrite instead that I had a conversation with a fire pot tonight, after a seriously intense meditation that had me in tears for the first time in over a month and half abouts. About how I thought I'd been doing such a horrible job at my year with fire, especially the last two-three months. The kind where I'd never even --
Before the tiny voice came back with, there's always 'a first time' to be scorched up, and burned down, this badly, it's part of 'the glory' of fire and passion, too. The way forest land pauses, under such blackess, waiting to grow back. I'm learning so much about my boundaries and my will in fire. I think it has my respect tonight, but little of my love. And to think April is still so far away.