Dear You & You, and You,
I know that only one of you three has any idea about the significance of the subtextual inferences herein, but the three of you this week have been such a testament to my heart. During the whole of this year so far you've reminded me ever what I should and do aspire for, and that it is not a dream.
The lives you live. The courageous joy. The fearless love.
You are my inspiration.
You are my every proof.
And this last week, you've been my candle flickering in the window, reminding me, bolstering me, whispering the promises of the universe. Thank you. Each of you alone, and all of you three together. I have so few words at my disposal to ever explain how much the brush of the fingertips of your souls and hearts and lives has changed who I am in the deepest parts.
Addendum: You know what? No.
This is for
mermaiden &
willow_cabin, and
songtoisis. And you are all far too beautiful and have far too much of my humbled gratitude tonight to be left only as 'you.'