Aug 23, 2011 12:00
- Mon, 17:52: New LJ Post:
- Mon, 17:52: New LJ Post: My tweets
- Mon, 18:05: Quote from last night: "Wait. Having sex with someone with amnesia? Isn't that considered bad form even in fanfic?"
- Mon, 18:13: does not get how to view this new gallery thing on twitter from people's profile's.
- Mon, 20:13: Photo: travelthisworld: I’ve been here. I felt like a shot hit my chest when I expanded this picture before...
- Mon, 20:19: iheartclassics:
- Mon, 22:46: @ innerbrat Oh, Sophie. (Most recent.) #leverage
- Mon, 23:04: Nate Ford. You are one creepy, *creepy,* man when you want to be. #lerverage