I've decided to take this much the way my favorite ones to follow on my flist have. Not so much just a recitation of things you've heard me say before, but like an atlas to who I am and where I've been. Things you would have to have touched and tasted to have 'traveled to me.'
I. Fettuccine Alfredo.
This was my favorite dish all through my childhood. Especially if you added shrimp to it. But, mostly, just a thick rich creamy alfredo sauce. This is one of the few things I will eat even now, when I go out to Italian with people. It's, also, potentially the dish I'm truly the most picky about being made right.
II. Shirley Temple.
Red food coloring, and sweet, made like a grown-up drink, and named after one of my favorite actresses I loved watching.
III. Milk.
I know you know this, but it had such a huge, silly part in my childhood I had to include it. When I was young, I would come home from school, drag out my mother huge 60-some-odd-ounce Bill Miller's mug, fill it to the top, and it drinking milk through the plastic straw in it while I watched cartoons for two hours.
IV. Family Foods.
The two best that come to mind, which was why this turned subject-wise and not specific. The first is cream cheese & black olive sandwiches. A favorite of the grandfather everyone said I would have gotten along well with, and something I loved much for that reason as well when I was young. The second is Cranberry Bread made at Christmas every year, a recipe turned down for a long time.
V. Caramel.
My favorite candy of all time, especially during my childhood. So much so that all the world will still send me bags of the plain blocks still. And they are still like a fast acting crack.