All of my groups and classes frequently intermingle, because it's always all going on at the same time in my heart and my head. The miraculous art of coinciding. Last weekend in my Reformed Congregation of the Goddess Path (or once monthly class) we focused on the Lovers & Devil of the Tarot Major Arcana. And during the day we did an art project based on the afternoon meditation.
During the meditation we were asked to look at our passions we'd brought with us, the ones that we had identified and that ones we hadn't. With our eyes clothes, far down the path, we were asked specific questions. And I felt the entire world sheer away on two quick succession questions, What is your unrealized passion? What is the thing you daydream of?
I had brought implements to symbolize Unconditional Love, Music, Writing, the Temple of Twelve and my relationship. And all of them were stripped to one with these questions. To the center, when a sapling trembles in the breeze. Love and Music and Writing and the Twelve? These are all very realized in who I am now, in the life I've built for myself.
I live in Unconditional Love and other recognize it in me. I live in a world where I'm constantly surrounded in music with my roommate. I live in a world where I can write as little or as much I want a day (outside of the whole new work stipulation). And the Twelve have been with me, are with me, and I'm completely confident of them.
What is your unrealized passion? What is the thing you daydream of?
We were to take the answer to this and create a seven-day candle luminary to that passion. There was only one answer. I have only one unrealized passion, one thing I day dream about. And it took me a while to start, but I truly like what I ended up with at the end.
The Espoir Side
This one is a Purple heart, for my girlfriend's favorite color, and for Pink's partner (my) Lord Purple, for her Purple rose pendant I was wearing that day. The first she ever gave me. In the center in a small piece of paper reading "Pink Rose, Grace - Beauty" which I thought was a wonderful set of words for her. She is presently in her first ever month with Pink, and she is endlessly grace and beauty in my life.
Beneath it cut out were shapes and shells of sea things, for she is my Scorpio Girl of the Deep Waters.
Side 1
The bottom has a tiny picture of a woman praying while incense rises around her. The beginning of My Heart can be seen, with the two words I cut out for it, which read "endearing elegance."
The Amare Side
At the top is a tiny picture of a woman reclining, and it's too small to see but her piece is labeled "Perchance to Dream" with a nod toward both the meditation and in the direction of which my life has taken a sudden turn toward. Such definitiveness. Of opinions and wants. There's my Red heart, with another pink one inside of it. I didn't write the three, but it is my favorite number and another reason I felt compelled to place it there.
Side 2
Another tiny picture, this time of a women walking on, or dancing on, waves and clouds, who seemed very fitting.
When it came home this ended up immediately on my Pink Altar and hasn't left since. I now burn it from there, thinking about the lessons of Caroline where it comes to love and surrounded and being braver than you'd ever prepared yourself to be.
Maybe later I can get a picture of what it looks like burning. The warm light inside brightening up the pink paper. I truly do love it quite a bit.
Secondly, I was lucky enough to notice this week that our local HEB's are having Rose Extravaganzas of whole bouquet's for around $6-$7. So while Earl and I were shopping for necessaries, I picked up a gorgeous set of pink and white roses for the dining room table. Which have begun open so gorgeously. I am compelled to stop and pet them and smell them often.
To bury my face and my nose in their beauty.
Dining Room Roses During Pink
Pink Altar at the Full Moon
This one is a little more for me, so I can remember it here. With the Pink Heart Wounds in the Pentacle, all the new pink stones (Pinks of Opal and Calcite and Moonstone), the Luminary to my Relationship, and the Single Pink rose in a Bud vase which have slowly been all helping me unfurl more and more like a flower toward the arms and charms of Pink.