Feb 13, 2011 17:48
It's my third favorite holiday of the year.
Growing up, every Valentine's Day, I would wake up with a smile.
Because downstairs, or across the house, wherever the kitchen table was from me, there would be two or three cards and a small gift of some sort waiting at my seat. It was three when my sister was still here, and always, always, then and even now (as I have two sealed cards, one in pink and one in red, waiting on my bed table) would be one from each my mother and grandmother.
It was a big deal in the week before Valentine's to get to pick cards for my Grandmother, and mother, and sister while grocery shopping. To make sure you wrote a personal message, even if it was just two sentences, into these cards. To pick out the tiny cards and gifts for classmates. To fall in love with all the heart shaped everything everywhere that would bedeck areas I loved for much longer than a month.
It might have been small, but it's traditions like this that have never left me.
It was invested into me as a day for spreading love, and for showing the people all throughout your life that you loved and relied on that you were totally grateful and aware and full of love for them. No more than any other day, but it was a day set aside especially for love. And it is, for the most part, where I keep this day.
It's a day for me to express how I feel about people. Especially those I care most for. It's about making them laugh and smile, spoiling them. The other side has usually been disappointing the last half decade to decade. In massive ways sometimes. I try not to focus on it, but its tomorrow, and sometimes when I get this close, I remember too much at the same time.
Most of my surprises have reached their destinations. Not completely all, but there's a day left still. This year I sent out cards to family members and my best friends. I have a V-Day surprise waiting for my roommate's return from his cruise either tomorrow/Tuesday morning, waiting on the kitchen table. I flooded the Milliways Love meme. I bought a really beautiful silver heart charm I've been wearing for days on my short necklace.
I've been a little off this week with keeping up on my flist, so if anyone has any of the Valtinr or Love Meme posts that went through my flist, I'd love to get links for everyone's to leave you all messages. Please do link me to your stuff below.
about me,
holiday: valentine's day,