Re-emergence of The Midnight Trauma ICU Coffee Girl

Jul 13, 2010 02:24

So I'm sitting there writing my Part One post of Springfest finally (omgiknow), and my phone vibrates. I pick up from where it's resting against my thigh, so the fan isn't reflecting off the front or back and distracting me. And open it up, knowing it really can only be one of two people with the lateness of the hour.

Earl: so how much do you love me
Me: Coffee or food run? How soon do you need me?

A few minutes later when my phone rings.

Earl: You know I love you, right?
Me: Yep. Give to me the list of doom.

What a midnight coffee run for the Trauma ICU looks like.
And it was like two drinks smaller than my last run!

will & grace, love, friends, food

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