May 05, 2010 00:44
I spent a lot of it writing absolute crack for not reason other than it was available, and hilarious.
And after certain parts of birthday day and weekend that hit the spot perfectly. It feels very book-endish in a way. I haven't spent most of a day this way the entire time since I got home. And during it I still managed to get more birthday, run more errands, pay more bills, read more of my book, and drive my stepfather around for the very last day he will need me to do so.
He'll come off the walker, be allowed to drive and go back to normal life starting tomorrow.
Like I said, a very book-end-ish day.
(Just for the record: In the six weeks of recovery from what is considered one of the most painful replacement surgeries? He never yelled at me once. He yelled a few times, at things near me and about things even. But never at me. Not once. Not on the day I forgot to show up, nor the one where I was late, or the day I accidentally ran a stop sign. [It was covered by the tree! He even agreed the next time we came to it!]
It's a different kind of world we cohabit now, and it's....well, I'm learning to live in it, too.)
Tomorrow job search becomes my full time life. And I mean it's nice to have people, outside of my living situation, worry me about whether I have heard anything back yet from places I've put into. And at the same time it's nice to know my Coming Home nest egg still has a few months worth in it. But even more, I'm going to feel more grounded when I'm finally working again. When I'm doing something useful and productive again.
It's going to come with heavy costs, the kind that already make parts inside of me skitter uncomfortably, but I'll get to that when I get to that. But I'd really like to have a weekly schedule again. A place I'm going, a thing I'm doing, a pay check I'm receiving, some ladder, multiple vacations and trips and student loans. My life the way it was and will be.