Notes from the Desk of Amanda Teacher

Dec 18, 2009 00:21

(...written while at work, and carried home...)

I. Today I received a package this morning from songtoisis and this afternoon from moons_storm. Each was not what I had originally assumed it to be amusingly enough. The first I thought was my Yulejama sent in a rather larger than expected small box -- but turned out to be a surprise!Yule Gift. The second I thought was from someone on holiday_wishes/wish_list until I was half into it before going OH!.

To both of you, I'm saving opening anything until Monday for Yule celebrations, but thank you so very, very, very much already.

II. I've been meaning to do this for a little while now. I've been getting cards almost daily since December began, and today was no different, when four turned up with moons_storm's envelope. Every day I take them out and tape them up the cabinets above my sink. It's far more college dorm room than my life has ever exhibited even once, but it helps, every morning and night and times in between, that I look up and see them all there. The covers and your love and your wishes. Thank you so much. Also, my intense gratefulness to everyone who filled their cards with memories, traditions and recipes from their lives.

My thanks to kyllo, elfinecstasy, ladyamedaus, Danielle, my Gramma, camwyn, winding_path, Aunt Wendy & Uncle Carl, memoryanddream, Ozy, Dida, sugar_spun, 2anastasonic, lullabye123, timtamfan, songtoisis, moons_storm, y2jdingo, in_the_blue, papabear62, djcati and my Mom & Gordon.

(Cati, you won't believe how hard I had to cover myself and my card when my partner teacher wanted to know why I suddenly squeaked reading your card. That was overwhelmingly beautiful and not a take I'd thought of and omg so awesome.)

III. While we're in nerdy!girl!Teacher references, one of my first graders made me think of strangefellows today, too. In an incorrect sentence made using the word Wild, he or she wrote "The train is wild." And even while I was crossing it out all I could think was "Not unless it was Edward's train." Even if so very few people will ever get that reference.

IV.Yuletide glamourkin's Ahoy!

This past update was rather a lovely mix of things. The Yuletide update itself was a surprise update where when you picked up a pendant another matching surprise one was sent to you in your package. Plus, the Samhain ones were marked down and older stock was still on half-off as well. Thus, I felt the need to pick pieces from all three.

In the top four -- the first two are Yuletide!surprise pendants, and the other two are ones I picked out from the Yuletide set. In the middle four -- the first and fourth are Yuletide!surprise pendants, while the second was from the marked down half-off set and the third was from the Yuletide set. From the bottom two -- one Yuletide I picked and then the Samhain tile picked up.

A few of these will end up the gifts I knew they would be, while some others I cannot wait to try out. Thank you, you utterly beautiful, amazing women. I am once again moved to such humble awe before these gorgeous pieces.

V. "The only people who grow old are those who were born old to begin with."

I am making an effort to go through watching a million Christmas classics this year. Especially all the ones I've never seen on top of all the ones I have seen before. I'm toying with the notion of trying to read A Christmas Carol before Christmas ends.

teaching, glamourkin, twilight, work, mail, friends, family, gaming, holiday: yule, korea

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