Beginnings and Ends

Aug 29, 2009 12:10

As I said Friday had them all over itself.

1. Two of my coworkers last day was Friday, and they've been training their replacements for a week now. Given days to think on it, I'm going to miss the constancy of known faces and work reliance more than the people going, more than the faint urges that wonder if I should know better people who've shown up to work still drunk twice this week or never had the same interests. I'll miss some of it, but there is also now Alisha and Teresa.

(Also. My work has a plethora of A's at all times. Now there is an Amanda, Alice, Alisha, and before Alice and I there was an Ashley and an Asling.)

Strange and interesting land, my work. Aside from the girl who signed a second year contract at last February, Alice and I have known watched the replacement of every foreign teacher who was here when we arrived in early January.

2. The season of peaches has fallen out -- cheap prices turning even cheap. I bought a flat of huge peaches, something like twenty, for 5,000 KRW ($4) -- and is being replaced with nectarines. They're perfectly ripe and still sold in the medium red bowls, holding like nine or ten, for around 3,000 KRW on the street side, and I am possibly eating far too many of them at like three or four a day recently. But they are so perfectly ripe and amazingly flavored.

3. I finished the section of Hel in my Goddess Journal last night. The last Goddess in the entire book to do, so now all I have is three days left working through the conclusion pages which book end the introduction chapter from way back when I started this. I'm amazed I made it, and saddened it's coming to an end. Still blown away by the fact I have about twelve pages left in the journal I started this in. I flip through it eying my words and all the art. I have learned more about myself than the Goddesses, which in surprisingly given the lacking depth source material, but this was a good place to start.

And yesterday, just as I was on my last Hel day, my Temple of Twelve things arrived. This weekend I'll hammer how I'm handling Colors and Goddess Initiation things by week and month. And, if I decided to be epically oriented, one of the two big Chakra work things I brought with me but haven't started.

4. My work in RCG's Earth focus this week was on rocks. Something that was rather hard given the obvious lack of all my supplies in the Texas storage container. The only stones I have with me are the flat chakra set on my altar, two other points on it, one ball, the set of runes, and the three stones always in the oracle and rune deck bag. There was no room for extras. Oh, and also, the collected stones on my Earth altar. I can't forget them.

I was decidedly a little sulky over that this week as there is an activity to make a necklace, but I have neither supplies nor stores to find them at here, and released the whole thing off into the universe days and days ago. Which made it rather amusing when I finally decided to allowed myself to buy this last night, after months and months of ogling it and two weeks of never even spending nearly my weekly allowance.

5. Lead up to Rebellion has ended as of yesterday morning, after epic months of negative space work and more than I've probably ever done with any other character, and things get to change in my head space finally. I'm a little grateful to that.

While Wedding was the culmination of the really hard work that made me want to honestly walk away and give it all up, because it was so heavy and painfully full of bleed-over and did cause me to stop writing for certain days at length, if I was in America Rebellion's lead-up ending should have been cause for a night out with drinks. In both ways that could be taken.

I am in the denouement, writing the visceral birth of the next beginning.

My love and respect for neenie really knows no bounds.

edward cullen, rcg elements, rcg, teaching, milliways cannonbleed, retail therapy, work, religion, milliways, friends, food, gaming, coworkers, korea, books

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