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Blush: A blend of sweet berry and tart lime notes, grounded by a slightly tipsy touch of cheap dry wine.
- Samples really are perfectly sized for a one time use in scrubs. This one was an interesting scent from open onward. It definitely tart-sweet, reminding me vaguely of girlie drinks and certain types of candy, while the touch of wine just made it a little soured for me. This was definitely not a me scent. Especially given just how more abrasive than normal on my lower legs this test ran.
Crushed: Crushed black raspberry against dark chocolate and serrated sandalwood.
- When you open this container tha scent is amazing and everywhere. I wanted to bury my nose in it. The rasberry and sandalwood, the beautiful rich choclate. Ever better it goes on to my skin and its heavenly while it's settling. It doesn't stay too long on my skin once the water has rinsed the scrub off my skin though, and this one gives me the same abrasvice issues on my lower legs that all scrubs everywhere give me though. I'll keep updating as I make it through the large tub.