Sep 01, 2008 18:07
* "Tradition and the Individual Talent" by T. S. Eliot
* "From 'Super-Albero' to 'Iber-Romanzo': Lexical Continuity and Constraint in Calvino'a Se Una Notte D'Invenero" by Jon Usher
* "The 'Trap': A Semiotic Form of Life" by Teresa Keane
* "From Start to Finish: Intertextual Roads of Reading between Manzoni, Tozzi and Calvino" by Silvia Ross
* "'She Made Us Do What She Wanted': Desire and Other Reader's Readings in Italo Calvino’s Una Notte D’Invenero Un Viaggiatore" by Klemp
* "Participation and Immersion in Walton and Calvino" by Carleton Simpson
* "Once Upon A Time in Calvino's If On A Winter's Night a Traveler" by P. Beard
* "A Question of Beginning" by Robert B. Alter
* "Calvino's Non-Knowledge" by Babara Spackman
* "The Reader Defied: Text as Adversary in Calvino's Se Una Notte D’Invenero un viaggiatore" by Mary Muratore
* "Calvino's Library: Labyrinth or Laboratory?" by Martin McLaughlin
* "Beginning Again--and Again: Italo Calvino's If On A Winter's Night a Traveler"
* "Redemption and Narrative: Refiguration of Time in Postmodern Literature" by Irena Makarushka
* "The Doctrinal Core of If On a Winter's Night a Traveler" by Wiley Feinstein
* "Italo Calvino" by Rocco Capozzi
* "Notes on Narrative Device in If On a Winter's Night a Traveler" by Charles Dameron Jr
* "Women Reading Calvino Reading Women" by Laura Sullivan
Kushiel's Mercy by Jacqueline Carey
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