Well, the day was going fabulously. I'm almost at the two-third mark of how much of my paper is done, which means it'll be done tonight or tomorrow morning. Which means, even though I'm freaking over being behind on my original plan, I can look back on this month as having written two different comps, read all my thesis material and ordered all articles/books for it.
The last thirty minutes have been made of suck. Which it usually is when I have to deal with the business and financial aide offices, isn't it?
The one is saying I have no last summer loan showing up. The second took five minutes to find out I was required a promissory for a site that doesn't have one. So I'm on an extended phone hold to get the company to find it. And I just found the first day I could possibly get my money for the fall will be the 29th (if there are no wrinkles in your files/filing, says the trying to sound innocent voice on the phone. Right, cause how often does that happen?). Which will be when I'm in Atlanta, and don't return from until September 1st.
I may have to talk to my manager or pay a fee to pay my rent late for September. Dammit.
Still on hold.
And that would be me cringing. I'm off hold. They have my promissory note, signed by myself and my cosigner. And it should be two to three weeks before anything else moves on it. So pretty much, I'm just screwed until Hinson-Hazelwood decides to do something with my promissory, like telling my school they have it, which is the last step between me and my money.
I hate school money. I hate loans. I hate groceries and bills and rent and waiting through the additional stress of this on top of all my other stress on a day that had been going fabulously and getting so much work done one.
I need to find out the cost for all my materials for my thesis waiting in the library (done). I need to call the graduate department and see if they've added my two classes back that got magically dropped (still waiting on Dean's signature; Friday at the earliest). I need to return the acceptance for my financial aide for the fall (they closed two minutes ago). I need to get the two teachers I haven't seen to actually meet with me (Secretary has no idea, e-mails have no answer, and tried to leave voicemails, left one the the just rang endless).
I need to go to school and get more of my interloan library books and articles for my thesis/project today. Then I could start reading thesis/project articles/books while my comp teachers are being horridly unhelpful toward my actually getting their specific topics and research materials.
Maybe see if the poetry editor/publisher is in the library this afternoon.