Random Sleepy Blather

May 07, 2008 00:41

1. I need to buy a new wallet, some kind of small slim purse wallet, as I am going to make the arduous attempt to move toward carrying a real purse. You know. Not an overgrown wallet with a wrist strap, that I'm using for a purse. This event is brought about mostly by my realizing it a) had to happen sooner or later and b) my continual frustration every week with not having a tiny note book to carry around with me, too, for noting the things I need to.

Handily, the main part of that change is facilitated by a) the huge collection of neglected purses in my bedroom and b) having purchased a tiny moleskin notebook today for that.

2. Finishing up finals has led delightfully to two things: cleaning and comprehensives.

Cleaning is delightful, because it means the research paper stacks and books can be put away. Along with the Full Moon Swap stuff and Tea Box stuff, all which couldn't before because detracting from final research and writing was nearly forbidden. My bedroom last night went from looking like a pigsty to finally looking beautifully lived in. I have yet to figure out where spring semesters books will go or the research papers, but many things are much cleaner.

Comprehensive Final one (of four) is underway as of Monday morning. I've read the text and picked out what I think will be a viable topic. After my Professor for this comprehensive gets back to me I will begin ordering books and articles, then move on to writing the paper. (I am consider, in the mean time, beginning to read the text for my next comprehensive; likely the Shakespeare one.)

3. Books. I am surrounded by books. Which I love. Which frustrates me highly. I love books. I love books and I am beyond thrilled that I am finally getting books for birthdays and christmas and from teachers and at book sales. My Masters makes it almost impossible for me to pick them up and just read them at my leisure. Which means they surround me in stacks.

There are three stacks on the coffee table in front of me. The larger couch beyond that is stacking the birthday ones. The box beside the couch has christmas and my book sale books. And then there is the new box and stack which came in today. One of my professors is retiring, so she is encouraging people to take many of her books. The first time she gave me a whole box full. Today, when turning in my last final, she convinced me to take thirteen more. (How do you turn down classics and complete poetry works?!?)

Thus. Books I love. And yet the surround me, with not enough book shelf space, and leave me wanting very much so for more reading time.

4. I went on an amazing date tonight. The kind of date that makes you remember why dating is amazing and should never be given up, the kind that makes your toes curl with anticipation for when and what next time might be like, that longs to have you sink deeply into the swell of warm, floaty feelings suffusing your chest and mind. Wrapped like gossamer around all my thoughts and movements, lulling me toward the peaceful sway of midnight.

retail therapy, school, apartment, books, dating

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